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IHBC Yorkshire Branch

All Yorkshire Counties, North Lincolnshire, North-east Lincolnshire

Keep up to date with branch news and events on Twitter:
IHBC Yorkshire (@IHBC_Yorkshire) / Twitter

And via our blog on Wordpress:

IHBC Yorkshire
Branch News and Events

IHBC Yorkshire Branch logo
  • Branch committee
  • Events
  • AGM
  • Branch Newsletter
  • Papers
  • Past Branch Events
Tab 1
IHBC Yorkshire Committee

Maria Calderon

Branch Rep on Council
David Houltby

David Rawlins

Eric Carter

Membership Secretary
Naiomi Kempton

Branch Media Officer
Illan Santos
Newsletter Editor
Emma Gibbens

Events Secretary
Tom Bromet

North Yorkshire Rep
Stephen Gandolfi

West Yorkshire Rep
Vicky Flintoff

East Yorkshire Rep
Stephen Walker

SouthYorkshire Rep
Ruth Masood & Andrew Shepherd

Clare Chapman & Liz Laycock

Committee Meetings

Meetings are currently held virtually, usually on Monday evenings, every three months.

Tab 2
The branch committee are currently considering options for future Yorkshire events. Please check back for news of planned events, or visit us on Twitter: IHBC Yorkshire (@IHBC_Yorkshire) / Twitter

If you have ideas for training events, or would like to contribute to delivering events, please contact the branch via yorkshire@ihbc.org.uk

For news of other general events, including IHBC virtual MATE sessions, please see Upcoming Events (ihbc.org.uk).

Members of the Branch are also regularly updated of Events held by other Organisations, such as Historic England, SPAB, York Consortium for Conservation and Craftmanship, North Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group, Heritage Alliance, by email: Each member should therefore ensure that their email address is kept up to date via IHBC Head Office.

IHBC Yorkshire Branch – Touchstone Glazing Studio Visit

12 September - 10:00 - 13:00

Touchstone are hosting a visit to their glazing studio to IHBC members to see what glazing solutions are possible within a historic context.

Location: Touchstone Glazing Solutions Ltd, Thornhills Beck Lane Brighouse HD6 4AH

Members: £5
Non-Members: £10


Tab 3
Hull Revisited: Grant Funding and Regeneration

Saturday 14th October 2023, 10.00am
Jubilee Central, 62 King Edward St, Hull HU1 3SQ

IHBC Yorkshire Branch AGM (Members only)

Hilary Byers, Independent Conservation
Town Planner

Community-led restoration plans for the National
Picture Theatre

Mike Brown, IHBC President
IHBC Petition for Charter

Andrew Richardson, High Street HAZ Officer
Walking tour of Old Town: Heritage Action Zone
and Levelling-Up funded projects

Event social, Ye Olde Black Boy

Members: Free
Non-Members: £12.50
Book your place before 6th October


Tab 4
Tab 5
Tab 6
Past Branch Events
Hot Lime Workshop

Saturday 14th March 2020, Location: Rosedale East

Delivered through the North York Moors National Park and IHBC Yorkshire Branch. Local stonemason and lime mortar expert Nigel Copsey (the Earth, Stone and Lime Company, and lead on practical workshops at the University of York) gave a presentation and demonstration on hot mixed lime mortars, their technique and use; imparting understanding of the physics of historic structures and best practice for conservation.
It was followed in the afternoon by hands on practical work applying lime mortars and renders to buildings associated with East Mines at Rosedale.
6 CPD hours.

IHBC Yorkshire Branch AGM 2019

Saturday, 26 October 2019 at 12.15pm

The morning commenced at 10.30am with a talk by Jane Grenville, OBE, FSA, Archaeologist and Honorary Research Fellow and former member of staff in the Department of Conservation Studies, York University on ‘Pevsner, Yorkshire: The North Riding’. Jane was in the process of revising Pevsner’s work on North Riding of Yorkshire, to be published in 2020.

Conservation and Stabilisation of Historic Fabric

28th September 2019, Central Methodist Church, York
Two complimentary disciplines are brought together to present with case studies, the structural conservation of historic buildings and structures, as seen through the eyes of two Conservation Accredited (CARE) Engineers and an AABC Conservation Accredited Architect. Robert Thorniley-Walker and Alice Bowers CARE Engineers, Civil & Structural Consultants Ltd. and, David Cattell AABC Architect, Rodney Melville and Partners Ltd.

Tour of Halifax Piece Hall

Saturday, 3rd March 2018

The Piece Hall is one of Britain’s most extraordinary buildings. Built in 1779 to trade ‘pieces’ of cloth, it is now the UK’s sole surviving cloth hall and offers a unique window back into our past.

Its near 250-year history has seen the building tale on many transformations – in Georgian times as a place for trading locally made ‘Kersey’ and other cloth, later as a gathering point for Victorian spectacles and political rallies. It then became a wholesale marker, before being transformed into a visitor attraction and, most recently, undergoing an extensive conservation programme.

The visit took participants on a journey spanning almost quarter of a millennium, meeting characters from the past and hearing fascinating stories about this truly incredible building.

IHBC Yorkshire Branch AGM 2017

Saturday 15th July 2017, Kings Manor, Exhibition Sq. York
10:30 - 12:00

Speaker: Keith Knight Course Leader RIBA Conservation Course

Subject: IHBC Yorkshire Conservation Course

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Registered and Business Office: Jubilee House, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire SP3 6HA
Registered as a Charity in England & Wales: No1061593. Registered as a Charity in Scotland: No. SC041945. Listed in Northern Ireland.
Company Limited by Guarantee; Registered in England No 3333780.

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