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IHBC Council

IHBC’s advisory and training body

Council, a more inclusive and representative body for IHBC, is an evolving and developing body launched in 2021. It currently has a flexible format to test and examine options and work towards a new workable formal structure. Council is part of the governmental changes in the IHBC which resulted from the Adoption of the new IHBC Articles of Association in December 2020. Council, the next step for widening member involvement in IHBC’s future.

Council has been developed from the testing of structures and operations in the former IHBC+ programme, which included Council+ also a representative assembly but with no formal reporting powers.

Council acts as an advisory body to the Board of Trustees. It can provide experience and knowledge for working as a volunteer in the IHBC to encourage new volunteers to get involved.

All IHBC members are encouraged to attend Council.

Branches should still continue to ensure they are represented on a formal basis.
For details of forthcoming Council and how to join in contact Fiona at Operations@ihbc.org.uk

“Council could have a very positive contribution to make.”

“This could be a precious hub to interchange the news between members.”

“Wide agenda, well managed“

“A number of very capable individuals spoke at length and clearly knew their subject matter.”

“It is important to have professional voice for those involved in heritage.”

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