The mark of the conservation professional
David McDonald is a heritage consultant, specialising in training other built environment professionals. He was, until late 2011 Conservation and Design Team Leader at the Royal Borough Kensington, a post he held for over twenty years. David previously worked as a town planner at the London Borough of Camden during which time he completed the Diploma in Conservation at the Architectural Association. Formerly a member of the Association of Conservation Officers, he joined the IHBC at its inception and has been Chair of its London Branch since 2004.
Lone Le Vay is a retired chartered architect who worked primarily in the public sector providing specialist conservation, design and urban design advice. She most recently managed the Design and Historic Environment team at Chichester District Council and is a Fellow of the RSA.
Jo Evans is an associate director at WYG Consulting and has held a number of conservation posts in local authorities in Surrey and Hampshire. She was chair of the IHBC from 2010 to 2013. Prior to that she was the membership secretary and the chair of the Membership & Ethics Committee, following on from holding posts on branch and other national committees.
Jill Kerry BSc DAAS IHBC is a chartered architect and has worked exclusively in conservation for over 20 years. After working in the public sector as a senior conservation architect she now works freelance in the private sector. She is also a trustee of the Ulster Historic Churches Trust.
Andrew Shepherd is the Principal of Andrew Shepherd, Architect, Sheffield. A Chartered Architect and surveyor, he also has a postgraduate diploma in building conservation. His projects over the past 40 years include Grade I listed buildings and Scheduled Ancient Monuments. He is an Inspecting Architect on the approved list of Architects for the Anglican Dioceses of Leeds, Derby, Sheffield and Southwell and is a former Parsonage Houses Surveyor in the Diocese of Sheffield. He was involved in the setting up of the Edinburgh Group and Caseworker for SPAB, having formerly served as a member of their Guardians’ Committee. He is a member of the ICOMOS-UK Education Committee.
He has thirty years’ experience of dispute resolution, Expert Witness in Building Defects, Professional Negligence and other construction related disputes having acted as Arbitrator, Mediator and Conciliator in building disputes.
He has extensive teaching experience, in the UK, notably on the Architectural Association Postgraduate Building Conservation Course 2008 -15 (latterly the Director 2008-15), and abroad. He has been involved in heritage training programmes in Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzogovina, Serbia, Albania and Transylvania in Romania, including 2-week courses by young professionals and students where he lectured in the mornings followed by practical work under the direction of local master craftsmen (Transylvania Trust and Cultural Heritage Without Borders – both Europa Nostra winners).
Andrew is a Past President, Secretary and Education Officer of the Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association and was Past Convenor of Conservation Courses Directors' Forum for all UK Postgraduate Conservation Courses.
Shantanu Subramaniam has worked within the Heritage sector since 2012. Graduating as an architect in India, he went on to pursue his masters in Archaeology before working as a Conservation Architect in his native city of Mumbai. He was awarded the Charles Wallace India Trust Fellowship and travelled to Edinburgh where he completed his MSc in Architectural Conservation.
Since 2017 he has been working as a Heritage Consultant in London and has been involved in a wide range of projects across the country. Shantanu’s primary interests lie in heritage planning policy and the integration of sustainable design strategies within listed buildings.
Sheila Stones
Joanna Saady
After qualifying as a Chartered Architect, Joanna became an early pioneer of green building, joining the Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB) in 1995 and serving on the board as a trustee for six years. With an MSC in Energy-efficient Building and a Postgraduate in Conservation of the Historic Environment, Jo is passionate about heritage buildings and the environment.
Jo is the Director of her own company Ecotecture founded over 20 years ago. Ecotecture is a strong ethical practice, with a vision for an exciting future that embraces heritage while simultaneously addressing the urgent need to combat climate change.
November 2023
Katie Parsons
Katie is an experienced heritage professional with expertise in historic environment policy, strategic planning, spatial regeneration, and development management.
She has advanced knowledge of legislation and procedure, policy development, and advising on the future management of the historic environment. Katie has recently been appointed as Head of Heritage Protection at Historic England, and before that was Team Leader of Historic England's London Development Advice Team. Prior to Historic England Katie worked in two London Local Authority planning and conservation departments, and has previously been a Visiting Lecturer at the UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage as part of Historic England’s Academic Heritage Partnership programme.
Serena Cardozo (Co-opted Trustee) is an architect and conservation officer.
Serena is the Principal Conservation Officer at Uttlesford District Council, a position obtained through the Public Practice placement scheme. Prior to her current role, she was a project architect at MICA Architects (formerly Rick Mather Architects) between 2013-2023, where she worked for public and private sector clients across a variety of heritage-led architectural and urban design schemes.
Sarah Khan (Co-opted Trustee) is an Architect Accredited in Building Conservation (AABC), as well as accredited with the RIBA as a Specialist Conservation Architect. I have worked at Roger Mears Architects (RMA) since 2007 and have been a Practice Partner since 2015. RMA has a strong track record of working in Conservation, something I am deeply passionate about.
Anna Grant
Anna is a chartered town planner currently working at the City of Edinburgh Council. She is a history graduate from the University of Edinburgh where she specialised in urban and architectural history and built on this interest by completing a Masters in European Urban Conservation at Dundee. Her career has focussed on a range of conservation work including heritage planning policy, conservation area character appraisals, training and running grant schemes. In particular, she was the principal planner for the listed buildings team within Edinburgh for several years. Anna is also on the Board of Trustees for the Gracemount Mansion project in Edinburgh to bring back a building at risk into community use.
Kathryn Moore
Kathryn is a Conservation Project Manager at the Churches Conservation Trust, working to care for historic places of worship. She has worked as a Conservation Officer in Wales, and has experience of heritage at risk and traditional building skills in both the public and third sector. Although currently working in England, Kathryn lives in North Wales and has a strong appreciation of the country’s vernacular building traditions and the unique issues that heritage professionals face working in a devolved nation. Kathryn has been involved with the IHBC since the Carlisle annual school in 2013.
Des Cairns is a Chartered Architectural Technologist and CIAT Accredited Conservationist. He has been in private architectural practice since 1984, and currently runs a small rural practice which splits its time between conservation on the Island of Ireland and industrial work on NI and Cheshire, in addition to a patchwork of other interesting projects including acting as an advisor for the Lurgan townscape Heritage project and part of the panel for the Church of Ireland Diocese of Connor. He particularly enjoys working with Churches to rethink their vision, and has been referenced in the book ‘Irish Anglicanism 1969-2019‘ regarding appropriate intervention for contemporary worship.
December 2023