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The mark of the conservation professional


Data Protection Policy


The IHBC cares about the data we seek from you, and gathers, manages and protects data provided by you in line with official guidance on statutory duties and our charitable objectives to help conservation and it's practice.

For further explanation of why we seek the information we do, and more details of related to our policies, see our data protection guidance and our IHBC Quick Guidance below.

In line with these principles and our duty of data care, we:

  • Seek from you only the information we consider we need to effectively carry out our support for you as an IHBC member, including your professional interest in our work
  • Encourage you to complete as many optional data fields below as you feel comfortable with, to help us understand and advocate on behalf of the profession, the sector and, by extension, the professional and career interests of our members
  • Retain personal data in line with our LIA (link) to support that understanding and advocacy, in particular data relevant to professional practice issues, though you may have your personal data deleted on request
  • Delete sensitive data - such as financial details to enable fee payments - immediately on termination of membership
  • Offer 'opt out' options for key areas that, as a member, ordinarily give IHBC volunteers access to personal contact details AND that we consider would not seriously undermine the institute's capacity to support your career, such as excluding details from our annual Yearbook and declining to join a Branch. Where opt outs are not offered, these are areas we consider essential to supporting our charitable objects and corporate and service duties.

NB: Email is our primary way of communicating with you, including for important information regarding the IHBC, your membership, events and news via national office, volunteers and Branches.

If wider access to your personal email contact details is a concern, to maintain the full value of IHBC services, we recommend that you set up a dedicated 'personal' email account exclusively for IHBC related activities, which can be managed and, as needed, closed at your discretion.

You also have the option to exclude select personal details from wider IHBC communications, including by choosing 'No Branch' for your Branch option, and by excluding your name from the IHBC Yearbook directory by choosing the 'No Yearbook entry' option.

IHBC QuickGuide: IHBC’s data management and protection

  • In accordance with guidance on new data protection regulations IHBC Trustees and Directors have agreed the processes and principles summarised on this page

  • Following a 'Legitimate Interest Assessment’, the IHBC has specified and agreed its legitimate interest in requesting and holding data where it accords with our charitable objects, including to:
    • Support built and historic environment conservation practice, as also informed by:
    • Improve understanding of the nature, evolution and progress of that practice as a young, distinctive and environmentally aware activity that, through the IHBC, can develop its unique standing as an ‘inter-disciplinary’ discipline founded on national and international conservation standards and models

  • The IHBC will not release the personal data of an individual without either their knowledge and agreement – such as through not availing of data ‘opt outs’ in select areas of legitimate interest for the IHBC, for example circulating contacts in the Yearbook and to Branch volunteers – or receiving permission from the individual concerned as appropriate

  • The IHBC will delete personal data on request, while also encouraging minimum impact on the IHBC’s legitimate interests

  • The IHBC deletes sensitive data – such as financial details used for membership renewal – at the point of membership termination or on request

  • Both at the time of joining, and at annual updates on data held, members the IHBC are offered options to update their preferences on the IHBC’s data holding and use

  • For more details see the link below.

© Copyright IHBC

Registered and Business Office: Jubilee House, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire SP3 6HA
Registered as a Charity in England & Wales: No1061593. Registered as a Charity in Scotland: No. SC041945. Listed in Northern Ireland.
Company Limited by Guarantee; Registered in England No 3333780.

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