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The mark of the conservation professional


IHBC South Branch

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Channel Islands, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Oxfordshire

IHBC South Branch logo
  • Welcome!
  • Future events
  • Past events
  • Bursaries
  • Annual Schools
  • Committee papers
Tab 1
Welcome to the homepage of the IHBC South Branch

Here you can find details of Future Branch Events, write ups of Past Events, details of the South Branch Annual School Bursary Scheme, write ups of Previous Annual Schools, and copies of current Committee Papers.

Committee and Contacts
The IHBC South Branch covers Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire, the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands. The Branch Committee meets 4 or 5 times a year for an evening committee meeting to plan Branch Events, discuss current issues in Conservation, feedback information from National Council, prepare draft Branch Business Plans and deal with other branch matters.

The South Branch Committee, as elected by the Branch at the AGM on 21st November 2022, are as follows:
Branch Chair (Acting) Alison Davidson South@ihbc.org.uk
Vice Chair Julia Foster
Treasurer Mowenna Breen-Haynes
Council Branch Rep, Branch and
Professions Liaison, Council + Rep,
Hampshire Rep
Alison Davidson
Secretary Liz Kitch Southbranchsecretary@ihbc.org.uk
Assistant Secretary Robert Parkinson
Oxfordshire Rep Sarah Homer
Buckinghamshire Rep Vacant
Berkshire Rep Gill Butter
Membership Advice Vacant
Education Officer Vacant
Publicity Co-ordinator Vacant
Communications/IT Vacant
Committee Members Kevin Stubbs
Emilia McDonald
Chris Smith
Tara Hayek
We are always pleased to hear from members of the Branch who wish to help out with events organising, or would like to join the committee. Please get in contact if you want to join in!
Tab 2

IHBC South-East Branch invites you to:

IHBC Chartership - Have Your Say

Jo Saady, IHBC South-East Branch Chair, will give a short talk on 'Real life cases of Retrofit in Heritage Buildings'. This will be followed by a short presentation by IHBC President, Mike Brown, on the Institute's ongoing consultation with IHBC members on proposals to petition for a Royal Charter followed by a discussion and opportunity to raise questions.

If you have concerns or would like more detailed information on the implications of obtaining a Charter this is your opportunity to have your say.

Those booking places will be asked in indicate their preferred focus group as listed below. This will help inform the group discussions, each group who will feed back to the whole session leading to a wider discussion and Q&A session.

  • Career starters
  • Specialist skills and trades
  • Academics
  • Regulatory (LPA Conservation specialists)
  • Practitioners (Consultants)
  • Site owners/managers
  • Other
We will try and honour group preferences as best we can but will need to balance groups in terms of numbers.

Booking and further details via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ihbc-chartership-have-your-say-tickets-668698805127?aff=oddtdtcreator

Tab 3

Master Class Practical Materials Day


Hosted by Owlsworth IJP Ltd Conservation Contractors
Owlworth IJP Workshops, Mill Farm, Newhall Lane, Mapledurham, RG4 7TX

14th September 2022
9.00 for 9.30 start till 4.30

IHBC South branch are pleased to be able to offer the opportunity of a practical materials day hosted by leading conservation contractors Owlsworth IJP Ltd. The day has been designed to offer talks and demonstrations by 4 master craftspeople who are all experienced experts in their fields. There will be an
opportunity for each delegate to gain hands on tutored experience of stone masonry, lime plastering and brick/ flint work with each session.

The course has been limited to a maximum of 20 places which will be allocated on a first come basis.
Owlsworth IJP have generously sponsored the day, and South Branch are also subsidising the event, therefore costs have been limited to £25 each for IHBC / CIfA members and £50 per delegate for non -members. This cost includes tea/coffee and pastries on arrival and lunch.

Culture, Community and Candyfloss

Seaside Towns: the Hastings approach to revitalising historic coastal towns

IHBC South East Branch Day School

His Place Community Church Robertson Street, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1HL
Friday 15th October 2021, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Following on from the IHBC’s Annual Schools of 2020 and 2021 focusing on the issue of regeneration in Historic Town Centres.

The day will provide a unique insight into the mix of both traditional and community led regeneration schemes in Hastings before looking at specific site related schemes. As part of the Day School IHBC members will be able to develop their Philosophy, History and Economics skills to understand more about opportunities to preserve and enhance the historic built environment.

The day will comprise a series of talks in the morning followed by the SE Branch AGM and a buffet lunch. In the afternoon there will be optional walks and site visits in Hastings – see over for full programme.

Cost, including lunch:
£35 IHBC members, £40 non-members.
Online attendance*: £10 IHBC members, £15 non-members.

Bookings can be made via Eventbrite here or by completing the accompanying booking form.

Invoices can be raised on request but advance payment via Eventbrite or by BACS is preferred. Please confirm any special dietary requirements when booking.
CPD Certificates will be available.

* We are working to facilitate livestreaming of the event, fees will be refunded in the event this does not prove possible

IHBC South Branch Webinar and AGM
Care and Repair of Historic Stonework
10th November 2021

Stone Buildings are some of our oldest surviving structures in the country and there are many from the medieval and later periods in need of sensitive care and repair. The use of stone contributes much to the character and grain of our historic Cities, Towns and Villages.

A basic understanding of the different common types of stone & the methods of quarrying, not just confined to the grand buildings and churches but was also used for a variety of ordinary domestic and vernacular buildings.

Join us as Kevin discusses:
The methods of quarrying, selection and use of stone in the past.How the stone is prepared & worked for the repair of historic structures. The selection of replacement stone and methods of fixingThe philosophy of repair in this country & how it differs from other countries in Europe.The identification of causes of failure and the selection of appropriate repair and conservation systems including grouting voids.The different methods of laying & bonding give much to the character of a stone structure.Stone cleaning practices & consolidation systems.

The Devil is in the Detail
Online event

Wed, 24 March 2021
12:00 – 13:00

Join us as Kevin Stubbs explores the big role the small details play contributing to a building's character & significance.

UK Building Regulations and Traditional Buildings
Online event

Wed, 27 January 2021
12:00 – 13:00 GMT

Phil Ogley will share his views on the impact of UK Building Regulations when Traditional Buildings are being refurbished.

Wood is Good

Conference and Annual General Meeting at Shaw House in Newbury on Friday, 18th October 2019.

Event report

Clay day

7th JUNE 2019
at CHILTERN OPEN AIR MUSEUM, Chalfont St. Giles, Buckinghamshire HP8 4AB

Booking is now open for this conference. Morning presentations will be followed by a buffet lunch.
In the afternoon we have a tour of the rebuilt wychert cottage and delegates can visit the other fascinating buildings on the site.

Yearning for Timelessness

University of Oxford Mathematical Institute

October 26th 2018

An IHBC South Branch conference exploring modern architecture in historic settings

University of Oxford Mathematical Institute

October 26th 2018

An IHBC South Branch conference exploring modern architecture in historic settings

Event report

at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Learning Centre, Mary Rose Museum, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard
18th May 2018

‘Divine Intervention' Alterations to Protected Churches
January 19th 2018

The Evolution of Middle Class House Interiors
October 20th 2017 – Shaw House Newbury

A discussion of the loss of historic pubs and inns in the region and what can be done to save them
22nd September 2017

Bursledon Brickworks Lime Day Report
November 18 2016

Visit to Hartwell House, Oxford Road, Aylesbury
May 20th 2016

In With the New – Modern uses for Ancient Structures
15th April 2016 Southampton

IHBC South Branch AGM and
Conference on Hidden Superstitions in Old Buildings
30th October 2015

Visit to New Inn, Stowe, Buckinghamshire
26th June 2015

November 2013: Caversham Park, Reading
Living in a Material World: New thinking, new technologies

Advert for 2013 Conference

November 2012: Shaw House, Newbury
Fire! in Historic Buildings: Prevention, Reaction and Repair

Advert for 2012 Conference

November 2011: The Unicorn Theatre, Abingdon
New Life for Old Buildings: Extending the useful life of Heritage Assets

Advert for 2011 Conference

November 2010: The Baptist House, Didcot
Caring for Concrete: Conservation of 20th Century Buildings

Advert for 2010 Conference

November 2009: Greyfriars Centre, Reading
New Light Through Old Windows

Tab 4
If you cannot see the flyer below download here
Tab 5

If you cannot see the report below download here

Annual School 2012

If you cannot see the report below download here

Tab 6
Branch AGM 2020 minutes

Branch AGM 2018 minutes

2018 South Branch Activity Summary

Branch AGM 2017 minutes

Branch AGM 2016 minutes

IHBC South Branch 2016 Branch Report – October 10th 2016

Branch Business Plan

Branch AGM Agendas
To be supplied

Branch Committee Minutes
12th January 2016
10th March 2016
4th May 2016
16th June 2016
© Copyright IHBC

Registered and Business Office: Jubilee House, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire SP3 6HA
Registered as a Charity in England & Wales: No1061593. Registered as a Charity in Scotland: No. SC041945. Listed in Northern Ireland.
Company Limited by Guarantee; Registered in England No 3333780.

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