The mark of the conservation professional
All Counties
4th October 2023
09:30 -13:30
Structural engineering interventions are integral to the conservation strategy for historic buildings and structures. They can range from simple monitoring, to delicate like for like repairs, or even the sensitive remodelling of a space to secure a building’s future. For this reason it is vital for all conservation professionals to have an awareness of what options are available and an appreciation of the decision making behind them.With speakers from across the industry including a heritage officer, several conservation accredited (CARE) engineers, a SPAB Scholar, a specialist repair contractor and a conservation architect, this event will provide an insight into the decisions behind a range of structural engineering interventions, with a focus on project case-studies.
TOUR OPTION - A guided tour of Crumlin Road Gaol is available after the event at 2pm for £15 pp and can be booked through the Eventbrite link. Tour lasts approx. 1 hour.
Full details and Booking
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