The mark of the conservation professional
The 2008 Annual School in Guildford, Surrey examined the management of spaces, context and settings. Whilst we all acknowledge the importance of protecting and managing historic buildings, what about the bits in between? The appreciation and understanding of spaces and settings that provide the context for historic structures is vital to the proper management of the historic environment.
Guildford School Report - Context Issue 106, September 2009
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Delegates were also asked to rate their general view on the quality of the presentations, classes and tours at the School. Over 60% of delegates rated the various aspects of the School as good or excellent.
Delegates were asked to rate the organisation of the conference and the booking arrangements. 88% of delegates rated the organisation and aspects of the School as good or excellent.
Delegates rated the overall experience they had at the conference and its usefulness very highly with 82% rating it as good or excellent. They were also very keen to point out that aside from the formal training obtained from the Annual School one of the key benefits for them were the networking opportunities.