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The mark of the conservation professional



Your first step in joining IHBC: Supporter Membership

Everyone is welcome to register with the IHBC as a Supporter in the first instance. Whether you are a practitioner planning to apply for formal accreditation or you simply want to support the work of the IHBC, you will need to register for a Supporter Membership in the first instance.

Join the IHBC as a practitioner

The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (the IHBC) is the UK’s professional body for historic environment conservation specialists. IHBC members work in areas that help secure the conservation of historic places, buildings, sites or areas that we value. If you are interested in historic environment conservation as a career, or you are already working in it, you will want to become a member of the IHBC.


Our members work within and across all areas required in the conservation of buildings, landscapes, sites, gardens etc. The specialist disciplines of our members are reflected in our membership standards, the Areas of Competence, and can cover

  • Evaluation: covering investigation and research into historic buildings, landscapes, areas and archaeological sites
  • Management: encompassing conservation management processes, such as conservation in the planning system, and
  • Intervention: including conservation and enhancement projects, such as building restoration projects and area regeneration programmes.

These different areas are inter-dependent and overlap. The IHBC and our members help integrate these activities, seeing this as the most effective strategy for securing sustainable conservation of the historic environment.

Your path to formal accreditation

Subscriptions: The annual subscription rate for all classes of membership for 2024-25 is £143.

Concessions: There is a concessionary rate of £71 for those on lower incomes (salary below £19,000; proof required & renewed annually).

Retired: Existing retired members: £71 (proof required)

Fee support: Members in need of additional support for their subscriptions may apply for hardship support. For details please follow 'Fee Support' link.

Corporate: There is no corporate membership of the IHBC. Context is made available to corporate bodies (libraries; educational bodies etc) at a corporate subscription rate, including postage of: United Kingdom £60; Elsewhere £90.

For membership application queries please contact Carmen Moran, IHBC Membership Services Officer at membershipservices@ihbc.org.uk

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Registered and Business Office: Jubilee House, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire SP3 6HA
Registered as a Charity in England & Wales: No1061593. Registered as a Charity in Scotland: No. SC041945. Listed in Northern Ireland.
Company Limited by Guarantee; Registered in England No 3333780.

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