HESPR is a promotional service for businesses that work to conservation and service standards expected by the IHBC
Historic Building Conservation
Conservation Planning
Architectural Design and new build in historic areas
Historical research
Historic area assessments
Project management
Climate change adaptation
Office locations of HESPR Designated Service Adviser
The IHBC's HESPR service connects clients with authoritative conservation businesses and their expert advice.
As a client, using HESPR you can easily explore the best of conservation businesses and advice to get your job done properly: efficiently, effectively and sustainably. Whether your are a private owner or representing a developer, public body, charity or community group, and whatever your size or interests, you can use HESPR businesses to find the best way to get your work done.
Specialist expertise in HESPR businesses ranges from taking leading roles in the sensitive care and repair of traditional buildings, to survey, research, guidance and advice on the finest listed properties, as well as to planning, architectural and engineering advice, guidance and work on new buildings in sensitive or historic areas. Many also offer educational and skills-related services.
Speak to the HESPR company that best suits your needs, explain what you want, and they will advise on how best to progress.
The IHBC's HESPR service helps anyone find a conservation business that best fits their needs AND works to the IHBC's conservation standards.
Owners, developers, local authorities, conservation organisations and land owners - anyone who needs conservation services or advice - can look to HESPR companies to offer conservation services.
HESPR companies can offer a wide range of conservation-related services, from new design in historic areas, to sector research or guidance on public interest and communication.
HESPR listings are for anyone who needs, or wants to offer:
- Conservation advice, to help understand, manage and care for places and properties of all types and ages
- Conservation services, to lead on changes to older or historic areas and fabric
- Specialist conservation knowledge, learning and skills within larger work or commercial programmes, such as in development or property management teams, educational services or other mainstream operations.
HESPR businesses protect their standards through having a lead professional working in line with the IHBC’s service expectations. You can find that lead professional - the 'Designated Service Adviser' (DSA) - listed on their HESPR web page.
The DSA should be the first 'port of call' for any concerns over work carried out by a HESPR company.
To find out more see our ’Find Services' or explore our 'Join HESPR' sections.
"I have no doubt that the membership of such scheme and the publicity provided, contributed to my workload as a Conservation Surveyor. I therefore have no hesitation in recommending it to other members."
“I wish the initiative future success, it has definitely been gaining momentum and some interesting opportunities have been coming through"
The web based searchable service provides each recognised company with an individual entry with full contact details and links to the companies own website.
The IHBC web site receives around 200,000 page visits each month and the most popular pages on the site exceed 7,000 hits each month. Apart from visits by IHBC members and other conservation professionals, many of these visits are from members of the public seeking conservation advice and enquiries fed into the site are often looking for conservation services.
The list of HESPR companies will be published annually in the IHBC Yearbook.
Local authorities and conservation bodies are likely to refer enquiries to the HESPR.
IHBC will direct those seeking specialist service providers to the HESPR.
Searchable online service with hosted and managed web pages for each HESPR business, containing full contact details and links
Web links from IHBC's Home Page, the starting point for IHBC's 30000 page web resource with 1/4million hits per month
HESPR company listings published in IHBC's Yearbook, circulation 5000+ (including planning authorities & other heritage regulators and leaders)
Free tender notification service (see archive link below) - View sample weekly alert
One free 'Jobs etc.' advert & email package p.a. (worth up to £450)
Dedicated search facility for HESPR-related events on IHBC's events calendar (email for details)
Free IHBC Heritage MarketPlace Stall
HESPR promotion on IHBC networks, including social media etc
Historic Environment Service Providers’ Recognition scheme, HESPR, is the IHBC’s recognition and promotion service for companies and practices – service providers – that seek to operate in accordance with the IHBC’s guiding principles and standards of historic environment conservation, principally our Code of Conduct.
THe IHBC DOES NOT regulate a company recognised under HESPR. Recognition under HESPR allows the IHBC to ‘recognise’, and publicly acknowledge, the historic environment service standard of a company on the basis of a corresponding professional endorsement by an employee of that company, the Designated Service Adviser (DSA), who is a Full Member of the IHBC and is employed by that company.
Practices recognised under the IHBC’s HESPR agree to observe the institute’s standards through maintaining a corporate link to the IHBC in the person of their Designated Service Adviser, a nominated Full Member of the IHBC, agreed by the IHBC. That Full Member has personal professional responsibility for their endorsement of the standard of service in the practice or across a defined or discrete part of it that relates to the historic environment. The responsible person is identified as the ‘Designated Service Adviser’ (DSA), and serves as the ‘quality control’ for the practice with respect to the areas covered by the IHBC’s code of conduct. This role can be identified in their job description.
The DSA will not usually be able to monitor or control all aspects of the services provided. It should be noted that any professional testimony in support of the company they represent accords with the ordinary standards expected of a Full Member of the IHBC under our Code of Conduct. The duty of the DSA is to:
Neither the IHBC nor the HESPR either control or regulate areas covered by more appropriate or more substantial regulatory regimes, including pay, benefits, insurance etc.
The Designated Service Adviser provides the quality control for the operation of the historic environment services in the company. Evidently it is essential that the DSA maintains appropriate continuing professional development, again in line with their duties as a Full Member of the IHBC. Consequently the DSA will be subject to regular CPD assessment.
Contravention of the terms of the HESPR can render the DSA subject to disciplinary measures under, at least, Item 1 of the IHBC’s Code of Conduct: “Those engaged in the conservation of historic buildings, areas and landscapes will adhere to the highest standards of ethical and responsible behaviour in the conduct of the conservation of such buildings and sites.”
Subscriptions are tiered depending on the number of professional (but not necessarily conservation specialist) employees in the organisation.
Tier 1: Very small organisation - up to and including two professional full time equivalent employees.
Tier 2: Small organisation - up to five professional full time equivalent employees
Tier 3: Medium organisation - up to ten professional full time equivalent employees
Tier 4: Large organisations - up to fifteen professional full time equivalent employees
Tier 5: Very large organisations - over fifteen professional full time equivalent employees
Subscription levels are as follows:
Tier 1: £145
Tier 2: £275
Tier 3: £550
Tier 4: £985
Tier 5: £1300
An initial application fee of £50 is required on application for recognition under HESPR and on any subsequent reapplication for recognition following any break in inclusion. This is non-returnable and intended to cover the administrative costs of processing the application.
All fees are subject to the addition of VAT.
Please take time to read the terms of reference for the scheme as well as the information on this site.
HESPR is a recognition and promotional service for companies active in the historic environment that is maintained and operated for the IHBC, the professional body for historic environment conservation specialists across the UK.
Recognition under the IHBC’s HESPR allows companies (including sole traders) to:
The IHBC does not regulate a company recognised under HESPR. ‘Recognition’ under HESPR allows the IHBC to acknowledge a company’s historic environment service on the basis of a corresponding professional endorsement by an employee of that company, the Designated Service Adviser (DSA), who is a Full Member of the IHBC and is employed by that company.
The HESPR mechanism involves the creation of an operational link between the IHBC and the corporate body through an identified IHBC member, the ‘designated service adviser’ who is formally responsible for the oversight of the standards in operation of their company.
The IHBC has no powers to regulate or discipline companies; the IHBC can only terminate recognition. However the institute can and will in any case regulate the activities of the Full Member who serves as the DSA in line with their professional responsibilities to observe the IHBC’s standards, in particular the institute’s Code of Conduct. Indeed as a charity and professional body the IHBC has a responsibility to regulate such professional operations under its Memorandum and Articles of Association. Thus, through HESPR, the IHBC will provide a mechanism within which companies can advertise an intention to maintain, adopt and support IHBC standards and carry out work in line with those standards.
HESPR is not and cannot attempt to be a guarantee of wider corporate standards, a guarantee of security (such as assurance that insurances are held) or a guarantee of standards of pay to company employees. It explicitly does not scrutinise or assess the wider business operations of an organisation, in particular those that are covered by other regulators.
Information described is supplied directly by the recognised companies and is reproduced in good faith. The Institute of Historic Building Conservation accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may result from any use of the HESPR or any subsequent appointment based upon the its contents
In summary, HESPR is a service for historic environment companies that promotes a proper standard allows companies to subscribe to appropriate standards of professional practice in the historic environment, in line with the IHBC’s Code of Conduct and associated standards, and through the IHBC acknowledge publicly their support of the IHBC’s standards, thereby securing and raising standards of professional historic environment conservation.
Further details on the service can be found in the Terms of Reference.
Issuer: National Heritage Memorial Fund Works Summary: we are seeking to commission a suite of in depth case studies, with supporting images, to reflect on grantees progress both during funded activity and once projects have been completed. We have identified 10 funded projects which would be suitable for this research and these will form the population for the case studies.
Issuer: AHRC Works Summary: The AHRC seeks to explore the impact of AHRC-funded research in several regions, cities or defined geographic areas. This may include analysis of local economic development or regeneration, local markets or sectors, economic clusters or knowledge spill-overs, labour markets and/or innovation / cultural ecosystems and/or in generating public/private leverage in local economies.
Issuer: Historic Scotland Works Summary: National Conservation Centre - Main Contractor. Historic Scotland, lead agency for the historic built environment in Scotland, proposes to establish the country’s first national centre for building conservation and related materials and skills; The Engine Shed. Designed to address the needs of the historic built environment, raise standards and to promote greater interest and understanding, the Engine Shed will act as a focal point for those seeking information, advice and guidance on how to look after the built environment.... The Contractor will also be required to support the Scottish Government’s economic and social regeneration objectives.
Issuer: Hay Castle Trust Works Summary: specialist consultants to take the project through development phase to RIBA work stages 2 and 3 (formerly RIBA D) and appropriate consents and subject to successful funding bids through to delivery to practical completion RIBA work stages 3-7....The works involved includes major structural repairs, specialist conservation, consolidation, contemporary design and extension and alterations and adaptations to the castle buildings to bring them back into sustainable use. The appointment of Architect Led Design Team is to be let in one lot.
Issuer: The Homes and Communities Agency Works Summary: The Homes and Communities Agency wish to appoint a development partner to transform Daedalus Waterfront into a thriving and successful waterfront development. The comprehensive redevelopment is suitable in phases over a period of 10 years and includes exciting opportunities for employment, residential (new build and refurbishment), care homes/villages and leisure and retail uses.
Issuer: Dumfries and Galloway Council Works Summary: Kirkcudbright Art Gallery Appointment of Full Design Team. The appointed Design Team will proactively lead the design and co-ordination of all aspects of the building design and construction element of the project through to the end of RIBA Stage L, and should ideally have a particular expertise in gallery and/or museum schemes, working with related consultants including interpretation consultants and exhibition designers, as well as experience of working with historic buildings.
Issuer: Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Works Summary: A complete ‘one stop shop’ from architectural practices experienced in delivering Projects from RIBA Stage 0 through to RIBA Stage 7 to provide the following (but not limited to) strategic, co-ordinated and integrated Master Plan advice, comprising Architectural, Landscape, Ecology, Utility and Transport design services and associated specialist advice to develop the site at Barlby Primary School, Treverton Estate and part of Balfour of Burleigh Estate.
Issuer: National Trust Carmarthenshire Works Summary: Dinefwr Property Development Options Appraisal Contract. To undertake an options appraisal at Dinefwr to help the National Trust maintain the assets in a sustainable way whilst remaining loyal to the Spirit of Place and the conservation requirements. Some blue sky thinking in terms of use of assets and operating models.
Issuer: University of St Andrews Works Summary: The University of St Andrews is seeking Expressions of Interest from those with suitable experience who may be interested in submitting tender for provision of Project Manager Led Design Team Services for the Refurbishment of the Grade A Listed University Residence at Andrew Melville Hall.
Issuer: Cadw Works Summary: Cadw wishes to appoint a single supplier (and/or consortia) to a framework agreement to provide survey consultancy services including but not limited to: Advise on appropriate measured record survey techniques, Advise on the production of survey packages, presentation, file formats, archiving and Building Information Management/Modelling; Develop detailed specifications; Develop annual record survey programme of works; Provide recommendations for inclusion into survey specifications; Working with experienced UK survey contractors to deliver The Clients’ recording programme; Carrying out monument site visits throughout Wales; Source conferences, seminars and presentations and report back to The Client. Deliver CPD survey workshops to The Clients conservation team.
Issuer: National Records of Scotland Works Summary: Architectural services; engineering services and integrated engineering services; urban planning and landscape engineering services; related scientific and technical consulting services; technical testing and analysis services for Historic Scotland, National Museums of Scotland, Visit Scotland, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scottish Public Pensions Agency.
Issuer: Portsmouth City Council Works Summary: to provide cost management and to coordinate/orchestrate the development and delivery of a Heritage Lottery Fund supported project which will transform the D-Day Museum. 1st Round: Design to RIBA Stage D Outline / Scheme Design Level of detail. 2nd Round: Project Implementation (RIBA Stage E to project completion)
Issuer: Christchurch Borough Council Works Summary: Conservation Architect Tender Dorset. The procurement of a registered Conservation Architect to be lead consultant and to provide design and contract administrator services for the repair, conservation, restoration, improvement and alteration of parts of the Grade 1 listed Highcliffe Castle building and grounds under the Heritage Lottery Fund supported Phase 7 Phoenix Flies project. To make more parts of the castle accessible to the public provide more exhibition space and interpretation.
Issuer: Bath Abbey Works Summary: Architectural Services - a programme of repair, new construction and interpretation to meet the needs of a Grade 1 listed church. The design work is largely at RIBA Stage 3. Bath Abbey wishes to appoint a company to provide architectural services for this programme.
Works Summary: Project Management Services - Bath Abbey Footprint is a programme of repair, new construction and interpretation to meet the needs of a Grade 1 listed church. The design work is largely at RIBA
Stage 3. Bath Abbey wishes to appoint a company to provide project management services for this programme.Works Summary: Structural Engineering Services - Bath Abbey Footprint is a programme of repair, new construction and interpretation to meet the needs of a Grade 1 listed church. The design work is largely at RIBA
Stage 3. Bath Abbey wishes to appoint a company to provide structural engineering services for this programme.
Issuer: Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Works Summary: External Evaluator. The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) [Alliance member] seeks to appoint an external evaluator who will work with the Maintenance Co-operatives team to deliver the projects Evaluation Strategy. The project is primarily funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and runs for three years to the end of 2016.
Issuer: English Heritage - National Heritage at Risk Grade II project Works Summary: English Heritage is looking for a partner to work on a project enabling local volunteer groups around the country to survey the condition of their local Grade II listed buildings to a nationally consistent standard so that local authorities will then be able to use this information to target help towards those buildings most at risk of loss.
To provide a rewarding volunteering experience for participants and strengthen the links between volunteers and historic environment specialists.
To reduce levels of risk to designated historic buildings through public engagement. To collect data locally to a nationally consistent standard to enable analysis of trends, the development of guidance and prioritisation of action on grade II buildings at risk.
The selected partner, which could be one or several organisations working together, with national reach and experience of successfully administering grants at a national and local level, will play a key role in seeking funding for the project and administering grants to local groups undertaking survey work.
Issuer: RIBA Works Summary: Conservation Course 2014. The RIBA Conservation Register enables those looking to commission work on heritage buildings to find architects with the specific skills and experience they require, encompassing all aspects of historic building conservation, repair and maintenance. The RIBA Conservation Course can be a first step on the ladder towards developing a specialism in conservation. The RIBA now wishes to revisit the structure and delivery mechanisms of the course and invites appropriate organisations to tender for this work. Delegate feedback from the courses delivered to date will be made available to those tendering for this piece of work.
Issuer: North of England Civic Trust Works Summary: NECT would like to invite tenders for the provision of course material for the Historic Environment Technical Course to be run by the Heritage Skills Initiative and funded by English Heritage. One of the main areas of concern is the lack of local training available providing a good level of academic knowledge applied in a practical setting.
Issuer: English Heritage Works Summary: Survey of Impact of Research Frameworks and Sectoral User Needs. The current model of Research Frameworks was established in 1996 with the publication of Frameworks for our Past (Olivier, 1996) in response to the extensive increase in archaeological investigations undertaken by commercial archaeological contractors as a result of the introduction of Planning Policy Guidance 16 (PPG-16). The aim of Research Frameworks was to provide a research focus to this development-led work and to aid local government archaeological curators in making decisions. Primarily with an archaeological focus, the model has recently been extended to incorporate the wider historic environment, including built and maritime heritage. Regional Research Frameworks have been produced, or are in production, for the nine regions/localities in England. A number of site based Research Frameworks, for example World Heritage Sites, and thematic or period based Research Frameworks have also been produced.
The aim of this project is to contribute to an evaluation and analysis of the current model of Research Frameworks used in the historic environment sector being undertaken by English Heritage, and feed into the development of future models.
Issuer: National Heritage Memorial Fund Contract value: £16,000 Works Summary: we are seeking to commission a suite of in depth case studies, with supporting images, to reflect on grantees progress both during funded activity and once projects have been completed. We have identified 10 funded projects which would be suitable for this research and these will form the population for the case studies.
Issuer: Engage, National Association for Gallery Education Contract value: up to £5,460 including VAT, plus £200 expenses Works Summary: the National Association for Gallery Education, wishes to appoint a fundraising consultant or consultants to work with the staff team to secure funding for research and activities in England in 2015-18. Engage is the lead organisation for gallery education, with c.900 members in the UK and internationally across c.270 visual arts organisations.
Issuer: Canterbury Cathedral Contract value: £100,000 - £300,000 Works Summary: Project Manager for Redevelopment of Canterbury Cathedral. The Dean and Chapter of Canterbury have successful applied for a major grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to undertake conservation and interpretation of Canterbury Cathedral’s heritage assets. The project will involve the conservation of Christ Church Gate, Nave and West Towers, the landscaping of the south west precincts and the creation of a new Welcome Centre which will include introductory interpretation and orientation facilities, a community space and café.
Issuer: Landscape Research Group Contract value: up to £33,000 pro rata. Works Summary: The Landscape Research Group (a charity dedicated to advancing education and research in the field of landscape) is seeking the services of a self-employed Development Manager working 3 days per week to increase its reach, profile, effectiveness and impact. This is a new role, and the successful applicant will help the group achieve its aims and objectives primarily by facilitating a greater level of members’ engagement with and participation in the Group’s actions.