Take a few minutes to see how the UK’s lead body for built and historic environment conservation can help you learn, earn and have fun!
Learn moreYou don’t have to be an IHBC member to learn with us!
And you don’t have to be paid to learn through experience: volunteering can be one of the best ways to build up your experience in conservation.
Learn moreGoing from learning to earning with the IHBC...
Jobs in conservation careers are hugely varied, as are the routes to them! But do remember that you must decide for yourself how best to build skills that are marketable, and some of your best learning experiences can be achieved as a volunteer!
Learn moreStarting off with the IHBC’s web resources!
Take a few minutes to see how the UK’s lead body for built and historic environment conservation can help you learn, earn and have fun!
Learn moreBuilding your networks online is easier than you might think, and can help you get work & experience!
Learn moreIf you’re not in, you can’t win!
Awards, bursaries and research funding register real success early in your career or training, so don’t miss the chance to leap ahead.
Learn moreJust what is conservation?
Conservation is a term that is used in many different ways!
Learn more Conservation brings you into a big and exciting world.
Understanding the world around conservation, whether as a student, volunteer or research specialist, is critical for successful understanding and career progress!
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