2014 IHBC Annual School

The Art of Conservation

Edinburgh, Thursday 5th to Saturday 7th June


Employers gain as practitioners improve


• Employers, including the self-employed, need informed, dedicated and productive staff: supporting staff maintain skills, gain experience, and revive enthusiasms at the IHBC’s School improves delivery, efficiency and service!

• Practitioners know how art and aesthetic considerations lie at the heart of conservation advice: economics, feasibility, environment, standards and people are just some of the critical variables that inform effective conservation advice. But effective conservation outcomes demand art!


From understanding how significance is considered within the planning process today, to assessing the impacts of social or environmental matters on how places and fabric change, solutions lie not only in securing the long life of the material but the survival of the artistic values it represents.


The IHBC’s 2014 School will help delegates bring consideration of art, culture and society into perspective in the context of policy, economic and operational considerations that shape all our advice and decision-making.


This a rare opportunity to find out more about the art of conservation, and perhaps even bring back into the forefront of your skills some of the special interests that attracted you into the field of conservation.



School feedback & legacy


Carlisle 2013


Winchester 2012


Llandudno 2011


London 2010


Buxton 2009


Guildford 2008


Liverpool 2007


Plymouth 2006


York 2005





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