IHBC Yearbook 2012

2 Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 2 WHAT IS THE IHBC? The Institute of Historic Building Conservation is the principal body in the United Kingdom representing professionals and specialists involved in the conservation and preservation of the historic environment. Our members include architects, architectural historians and researchers, conservation o!cers in central and local government, planners, surveyors, structural engineers and other specialist consultants, including conservators, craftsmen and other practitioners. The benefits of membership include: t OFXT VQEBUFT /FXT#MPHT t Context, IHBC’s journal t IHBCYearbook t The Building Conservation Directory and BCD Special Reports from Cathedral Communications t FWFOUT SFEVDFE SBUFT BOE QSJPSJUZ BDDFTT BT BQQMJDBCMF t KPC OPUJDFT t UFDIOJDBM TVQQPSU BOE HVJEBODF t OBUJPOBM SFHJPOBM BOE XFC CBTFE advice and advisory panels t UBY SFMJFG PO TVCTDSJQUJPOT t BDDFTT UP CVTJOFTT TVQQPSU BOE listings including membership of IHBC’s Historic Environment Service Providers Recognition )&413 TDIFNF t HVJEBODF PO QSPKFDU EFWFMPQNFOU t DBSFFS BEWJDF BOE TVQQPSU t USBJOJOH BOE $1% FWFOUT JODMVEJOH IHBC Annual School t OFUXPSLJOH PQQPSUVOJUJFT t QBSUJDJQBUJPO BOE $1% opportunities in electronic panels t BDDFTT UP BEWPDBDZ BOE MPCCZJOH t QBSUJDJQBUJPO JO TVQQPSUJOH *)#$ T wider public services: XFC CBTFE SFTPVSDFT TFDUPS DPOTVMUBUJPOT TFSWJDF WPMVOUFFSJOH PQQPSUVOJUJFT BXBSET *)#$ (VT "TUMFZ 4UVEFOU "XBSET QBSUOFSTIJQT BDSPTT CVJMU TFDUPS interests. The institute’s charitable purpose is to promote for the benefit of the public: t UIF DPOTFSWBUJPO BOE FOIBODFNFOU of the historic environment in the United Kingdom t UIF IJHIFTU TUBOEBSE PG QSPGFTTJPOBM skills in this field t UIF FEVDBUJPO BOE USBJOJOH PG professionals and specialists responsible for such work. The IHBC’s operations are planned in accordance with the three objects listed in its current Corporate 1MBO TFF XFCTJUF GPS EFUBJMT t IFMQJOH QFPQMF by promoting the conservation and management of historic places as a unique and evolving resource for people, both today and in the future t IFMQJOH DPOTFSWBUJPO by supporting specialists, specialisms and specialist interests in conservation, because e"ective conservation demands skilled care t IFMQJOH DPOTFSWBUJPO professionals by supporting, encouraging and challenging IHBC members and prospective members, because conservation professionals work most e"ectively with coordination, advice, inspiration and scrutiny provided by an informed professional body.