IHBC Yearbook 2012

3 FOREWORD Another year on and another Yearbook, the institute’s ultimate reference guide to who and what we are. This year sees a few subtle changes in the organisation – me for one. My name’s Trefor, and I’m a volunteer. Sorry, it’s a creaky old cliché, but I really don’t know how there was UJNF UP EP B GVMM UJNF KPC CFGPSF * retired. Immersing oneself in family life again is a joy but it’s hard to say no to requests to do or be on this or that and I haven’t been too successful at doing it. But the icing on the cake is the immense honour and privilege of becoming your president. If you are a regular reader of IHBC NewsBlogs you will have noticed more interesting reshu#ing within the hierarchy. Eddie Booth has segued neatly from president to secretary, a role vacated by the indefatigable Richard Morrice who takes up the treasurer’s portfolio from Michael Knights, retiring after a decade of sterling service to Council. And, as I write, another MPOH TUBOEJOH TFOJPS NFNCFS PG Council, John Preston is standing down as education secretary after $% years of unremitting productivity. One shouldn’t forget the unsung heroes who keep our regional branches the mainstay of the approach to the issues facing the historic environment. Remarkably, virtually all of our activity is the result of voluntary e"ort – in our own interests maybe, but I think most of us would agree that it is in the national interest too. Our working lives may be more and more pressurised but volunteering can o"er a valuable and e"ective safety vent. My co"ee mug, which has sustained me while writing this piece, is inscribed with the Welsh proverb Daw eto haul ar fryn. It’s in the same vein as those ubiquitous ‘Keep calm and carry on’ posters but it literally means ‘The sun will come BHBJO PO UIF IJMM " UBE $BOUPOB esque perhaps, it translates better as ‘Things can only get better’. As I see it, my mug is half full, the sun is shining and I urge you to press on with your usual fervour and renewed optimism. I anticipate no less. Trefor Thorpe IHBC President organisation either. We are hugely indebted to them, and all those who are moving on from Council and branch posts, for their e"orts and commitment, and we are grateful to those who are replacing them for their zeal and initiative. As our CVTJOFTT CFDPNFT FWFS NPSF DPNQMFY and the needs and aspirations of the organisation grow, these skills will be needed. So will the energetic and TUBMXBSU TVQQPSU PG PVS GVMM UJNF team led by director, Seán O’Reilly. Membership numbers remain fairly static but a steep spike in the unclassified occupation category confirms our fears that the economic climate is impacting detrimentally on jobs. In her Chair’s Review, Jo Evans outlines what we are doing about this. Elsewhere in the Yearbook, we focus in on volunteering issues with a variety of interesting articles designed to whet your appetite. There are two types of volunteer: UIPTF XIP IBWF FYQFSUJTF BOE BSF willing to share it, and those who want it and are prepared to do a KPC JO FYDIBOHF GPS UIF PQQPSUVOJUZ to get it. From whichever one of those angles you come at it, UIF FYQFSJFODF DBO CF FYUSFNFMZ rewarding. For many, volunteering can be the first time they come into contact with others from another generation or background in pursuit of a common objective o B QFSGFDU XJO XJO TJUVBUJPO The strength of any organisation FYJTUT JO UIF TVN PG JUT DPMMFDUJWF FYQFSUJTF 8IBU HJWFT UIF *)#$ JUT FYDFMMFOU QPXFS UP XFJHIU SBUJP JT the involvement and input from the regions and branches. Together they bring a breadth of knowledge from a range of specialist backgrounds that I believe is unique within UK professional bodies. Because of this we have earned the respect of governments, trade organisations and our fellow professional bodies through a diligent and practical