Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 97 3. Invest in technical solutions, information hub and training • Industry and specialists in energy efficient vapour permeable products for traditional buildings could provide technical generic solutions for the national compliance guide. This could be Government supported. The companies providing the technical solutions would benefit from sales of their patented solutions. This would open the market for competition, training and address concerns that patented designs are exclusive and expensive. This could lead to the setting up of an information Hub for the benefit of the construction industry and owners of traditional, historic and listed buildings. 11.0 References All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Healthy Homes and Buildings: Building our Future Laying the Foundations for Healthy Homes and Buildings. White Paper October 2018. Available to view at: content/uploads/2018/10/HHB-APPG-White- Paper-V1.pdf [Viewed 10/4/19]. Billington, al. 2017. The Building Regulations – Explained and Illustrated. 14 th Edition. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. BSTM (2019). Telephone interview conducted by Tony Gwynne on 7 th June 2019 . Transcript is provided in Appendix E2 . Bonfield, Dr P. 2016. Each Home Counts: An Independent Review of Consumer Advice, Protection, Standards and Enforcement for Energy Efficiency and renewable Energy . Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Department for Communities and Local Government. Available to view at: advice-protection-standards-and-enforcement-for-energy-efficiency-and-renewable- energy [Viewed 12/5/19]. Building Performance Institute (BPIE). 2019. Renovating the EU building stock. Available to view at: [Viewed 12/12/19]. Building Performance Institute (BPIE). 2019. Building renovation passport. Available to view at: [Viewed 12/12/19].