Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 96 (iv) Invest in technical solutions and training - Technical generic solutions for the compliance guide could be provide by industry and specialists investing in the latest research and development of energy efficient vapour permeable products for traditional buildings. The companies providing the technical solutions would benefit from their patented solution. This would open the market for competition and training and address concerns that patented designs are exclusive and expensive. 9.0 Conclusion The key findings of this dissertation have concluded that the Building Regulations and supporting Approved Documents produced by the Welsh Government are not fit for purpose when carrying out building works to traditional, historic building and listed buildings. 10.0 Recommendations Recommendations are as follows: 1. Make changes to the Approved Documents • Review Elemental U-value requirements for upgrading traditional buildings. The current U-value of 0.3 for upgrading existing solid walls should be raised to 0.7 to reduce risk of condensation and trapped water. • Provide general guidance on traditional buildings built before 1919- located in the front of all the Approved Documents. • Provide simple diagrams in selected Approved Document for vapour permeable solutions - kept plain, simple and clear like those that already exist. 2. Produce a National Compliance Guide • The Government should produce a National Compliance Guide in support of the Approved Documents. It should contain technical solutions presented in a generic form as simple design specifications and sketches that can be applied to most common building situations involving vapour permeable solutions. This additional guidance should be easily available at no cost.