Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 94 8.5 Literature review The review found: (i) Some standards produced for retrofit are insufficiently detailed in respect of solid wall insulation and may not be fit for purpose including aspects of the Building Regulations. (ii) The Building Regulations and Approved Documents are not providing enough guidance to support the retrofit of traditional, historic and listed buildings. (iii) Where guidance for retrofit is not forthcoming, the task of practical technical design and specifications suitable for vapour preamble solutions are provided by the private sector. This has led to criticism that patented solutions are exclusive and expensive. (iv)The public must pay to use Publicly Available Specifications PAS 2030, 2035 and BS 7913. These costs are putting these standards out of the reach of most people who will not be able to use it and are likely to default to the Building Regulations and Approved Documents for guidance. This can lead to unregulated solutions that may be unsuitable or inappropriately applied to traditional, historic and listed buildings with unintended consequences and problems highlighted in the post project literature reviews. 8.6 Questionnaires The questionnaire survey found: (i) Almost all those surveyed expressed concerns that the Approved Documents to the Building Regulations did not provide enough guidance for new works to traditional/historic/listed buildings. (ii) Property professionals and building control surveyors favoured the application of modern materials to that of breathable materials for the following reasons; a. They are contained in the Approved Documents b. Modern applications are well understood by the industry (vapour permeable solutions are not).