Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 9 2. Non-vapour permeable applications are being inappropriately applied to traditional forms of vapour permeable construction with disastrous results. 3. Approved Documents to the Building Regulations do not provide enough practical guidance for traditional buildings. 4. The Welsh Government is unlikely to make any changes to the Approved Documents unless there is good reason. 5. Current U-value calculations underestimate the actual thermal performance of traditional solid walls. 6. The Building Regulations elemental U-value requirement of 0.3 for upgrading traditional buildings are unrealistic and problematic as it traps water and increases the risk of condensation and mould growth. The U-value should be increased to 0.7. 7. Drivers of change for improvements and energy efficiency measures have been brought about by: a. Owner’s aspirations of improved thermal comfort b. Changes in climatic conditions c. Changes in legislation and the Building Regulations d. UK Government driving ever improving insulation standards 8. Case studies confirm Approved Documents are being inappropriately applied to traditional and historic buildings. 9. Standards reviewed for retrofit are insufficiently detailed in respect of solid wall insulation and are not fit for purpose. 10. Industry produced standards providing guidance are too expensive to buy and the public are reluctant to use them. 11.Criticism that patented vapour preamble solutions provided by the private sector are exclusive and too expensive. 12.Three solutions to the problems were recommended: a. Make changes to the Approved Documents to the Buildings Regulations b. Produce a National Compliance Guide c. Invest in technical solutions, training and information hub