Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 89 7.3 Invest in technical solutions and information Hub Technical generic solutions for the compliance guide could be provide by industry and specialists investing in the latest research and development of energy efficient vapour permeable products for traditional buildings. This could be Government supported. The companies providing the technical solutions would benefit from sales of their patented solution. This would open the market for competition and address concerns that patented designs are exclusive and expensive. This could lead to the setting up of an information Hub for the benefit of the construction industry and owners of traditional, historic and listed buildings. For example Ty-Mawr ( are national and international industry leaders on this subject, based in Wales they research, design, manufacture and test retrofit energy efficient vapour permeable systems for traditional buildings. They provide technical support, seminars and training for their products. Examples of Ty-Mawr’s technical solutions are illustrated in Figures, 48, 49, 50 and 51. A note of caution - the technical solutions shown here are for illustration only and are not an endorsement of their suitability. Other technical solutions are available and are not covered in this study. Figure 48: Vapour permeable ground floor solution (Source: Ty-Mawr, 2019).