Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 81 Question 19: Do you consider the Approved Documents to the Building Regulations provide enough guidance for new work applied to traditional/ historic/ listed buildings? The results indicate that 93% of building professionals consider that the Approved Documents to the Building Regulations do not provide enough guidance for new work applied to traditional/ historic/listed buildings and 7% consider they do. Those who consider they do not provide enough guidance have made the following comments: ‘Although guidance is available and referred to in AD (Approved Document) Part C and L – in my opinion there should be clauses added in the required section specifically for heritage buildings’. ‘They primary apply to new build and are driven by solutions appropriate to new construction’. ‘This primarily reflects a lack of research and understanding and development of appropriate solutions for historic buildings’. ‘The guidance is loose and building inspectors don’t often understand the exemptions or reasoning behind them’. ‘The Building Regulations provide no solutions to any issues experienced by historic constructions’. ‘The regulations are suitable for new construction works. They do not address historic building techniques, materials and their interface with modern building concepts’. ‘Not much information relating to traditional construction’. ‘I have been in building design for 50 years and although I understand the concept of breathability, I cannot take the chance in applying materials which may lead to my client making a claim against me if any damp becomes evident as a result. If the