Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 78 Question 8: Is the building professional aware that non-vapour permeable construction can harm traditional and historic buildings in certain situations? The results indicate that 93% of building professionals claim to be aware that non- vapour permeable construction can harm traditional and historic buildings and 7% were not. Questions 9-11: If planning/listed building consent /Building Regulations or faculty was required were there conditions requiring the use of vapour permeable materials? The results indicate that 53% of building professionals claim there were conditions attached to planning/listed building consent /Building Regulations the use of vapour permeable materials and 47% claim they were not. Comment: Examination of the questionnaires revealed that 11 of the projects were listed buildings and from the information available would have required listed building consent. Its interesting to note that from the results only 8 out of 15 of those projects had listed building consent and at least three of those projects had no conditions attached requiring the use of vapour permeable materials. There was no mention of any conditions attached to any Building Regulations consent. Question 12 -14: Was there a vapour permeable design specified for the works? The results indicate that 87% of building professionals claim there was a vapour permeable design specified for the works and 13% claim there was not. Comments: It’s interesting to note that in question 9- 11 only 8 out of 15 projects had conditions for the use of a vapour permeable design and in question 12-14 that 13 projects had a vapour permeable design. It is assumed this is down to the conservation officer’s early involvement with the project at the planning stage and close liaison with the project designer. Non- listed traditional/historic buildings do not have the benefit of early involvement of the onservation officer who would normally require a vapour permeable design as non- vapour permeable materials could harm the building fabric and is contrary to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Area) Act 1990. From the experience of this project author, building control normally only become aware of the project when works start on site and if no