Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 76 faculty was required were there conditions requiring the use of vapour permeable materials? 12 to 14 Was there a vapour permeable design specified for the works? 2 (13%) 13 (87%) 0 (0%) 15 Were future maintenance requirements considered? 4 (27%) 10 (67%) 1 (7%) 16 Did cost influence the use of materials used? (assuming vapour permeable solutions are more costly) 9 (60%) 5 (33%) 1 (7%) 17 Did the time taken to complete the works influence the materials used? (assuming vapour permeable solutions take longer) 10 (67%) 4 (27%) 1 (7%) 18 Were there any problems evident after the works were carried out? (for example, damp) 10 (67%) 5 (33%) 0 (0%) 19 Do you consider the Approved -Documents to the Building Regulations provide enough guidance for new work applied to traditional/ historic/ listed buildings? 14 (93%) 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 20 Any other information considered relevant? 0 (0%) 9 (60%) 6 (40%)