Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 74 6.0 Questionnaires 6.1 Purpose This survey was carried out to assess how the construction industry view the Approved Documents to the Building Regulations as providing enough guidance for new works applied to traditional/historic/listed buildings. The purpose of using questionnaires for this research is to gain a better understanding of how traditional, historic and listed buildings in Wales are upgraded using modern methods of construction. The main advantages of using a questionnaire is being able to reach a large number of building professionals relatively easily and economically. The questionnaires were specifically designed to be exploratory with the approach of researching ‘what is going on’, ‘why is it going on’ and by whom. A copy of the questionnaire is provided in Appendix J1 and J2. The study was designed to provide quantifiable answers that could be easily analysed to determine how building professionals, view the Building Regulations and Approved Documents as being fit for the purposes when carrying out works to traditional and historic buildings. 6.2 Ethics approval The survey was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Welsh School of Architecture - Reference 190503 (002) on 8th May 2019 (Appendix C). 6.3 Questionnaire distribution list The distribution list consisted of persons normally engaged in designing, preparing specifications, submitting and making decisions on planning and building control applications. The list included building contractors, building owners, building control surveyors, conservation officers, designers (including architects, surveyors, structural engineers etc). A copy of the distribution list is provided in Appendix J3.