Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 70 permeable) insulation materials (such as cellulose or sheep’s wool) would be more suitable. 2.6 PAS 2030. Specification for the installation of energy efficient measures in existing dwellings and insulation in residential park homes, and PAS 2.7 2035. Retrofitting dwellings for improved energy efficiency- specification and guidance. Both published by British Standards Institution (BSI). 2019. PAS 2020 and 2035 is publicly available specifications (PAS) of recommended procedure, quality of output, terminology, and other details, for the retrofitting of dwellings for improved energy efficiency. Although PAS 2020 and 2035 provides theoretical specifications and guidance, it fails to provide any practical guidance or diagrams on retrofit of dwellings using vapour permeable materials fixed to solid walled dwellings. PAS 2035 refers to the Building Regulations 172 times and the Approved Documents 46 times – advising the reader to comply with these standards (which in themselves provide very little or no guidance). A major problem with PAS 2035 is the public must pay to use it, putting it out of the reach of most people who will not be able to use it (and likely to default to the Building Regulations and Approved Documents for guidance). 3. Opportunities 3.1 Skills Needs Analysis- Repair, Maintenance and Energy Efficiency Retrofit of Traditional (Pre 1919) Buildings in England And Scotland. Published by Historic England. 2013. Historic England, Historic Scotland and CITB commissioned researched into the supply of and demand for traditional building skills, materials and training provision for the repair and maintenance of traditional (pre 1919) buildings in England and Scotland. The main findings concluded the economic recession has affected supply and demand and resulted in a shortfall of skills and training provision. 3.2 Green Deal- Energy saving home improvements. Published by HM Government. (no date) The Green Deal helps people make energy-saving choices and improvements to homes and find the best way to pay for them. The Green Deal fails to identify special measures required for the upgrading of solid wall houses built before 1919 using vapour permeable materials. 3.3 Renovating the EU building stock. Published by The Building Performance Institute (BPIE), Europe. 2019. The BPIE is Committed to increasing the energy performance of buildings across Europe. The BPIE develops recommendations and technical advice for overcome major barriers to renovation- all free of charge. 3.4 Building renovation passport. Published by BPIE. 2019. A Building Renovation Passport is a Document outlining a long-term (up to 15- 20 years) step-by – step renovation roadmap to achieve deep renovation for a building. It supports owners across Europe with free of charge personalised advice on their renovation options and clarifies the renovation stages for all involved parties. 4 Technical design and specification 4.1 Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating Solid Walls. Published by Historic England. 2012. The guidance by Historic England provides advice on the principles, risks, materials and methods for insulating solid masonry walls. The guidance dates to 2012 and advises the use of vapour barriers which has been superseded in recent research (SPAB, 2017). The guide does states that more research is needed.