Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 68 5.0 Literature review The purpose of this literature review is to search and evaluate relevant, reliable, accurate and up to date information and material on the topic area of this dissertation research of whether the Building Regulations are fit for purpose or not when upgrading of traditional, historic and listed buildings using modern applications. It hopes to gain a better understanding of how scholars view this topic area, how upgrading works are driven and focuses on how it impacts on this research topic. The key points from this literature review is summarised in Figure 41 below. Figure 41: Summary of literature review and summary of findings relevant to dissertation Title of literature reviewed 1 Summary of literature content Summary of findings relevant to dissertation 1. Drivers of change 1.1 All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Healthy Homes and Buildings. B uilding our Future Laying the Foundations for Healthy Homes and Buildings. White Paper October 2018. The all-party parliamentary group for Healthy Homes and Buildings was created to shed light on the many problems caused to the nation’s health and economy as a result of people living and working in unhealthy homes and buildings. Recommendation 3.2: ‘ The Government should adopt a holistic approach and ensure that future renovation of homes and buildings , in addition to making them energy efficient, improves other elements vital for health and wellbeing. This approach should… be adopted in the Building Regulations’. Recommendation 3.8, ‘ It is recommended that the Building Regulations for new and renovation of existing buildings should be reviewed to ensure they reflect the best standards. More robust standards are required …to close the gap between design and actual performance’ 1.2 Global Warming of 1.5 degrees. Published by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2018. Special report prepared by 91 authors from 40 countries on climate change and global warming led to the modelling that emissions from carbon dioxide would need to fall by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 and ‘net zero’ by 2050. This led to the UK Government commissioning a report on new emissions target for the UK: 1.3 The Clean Growth Strategy – Leading the way to a low carbon future. Published by HM Government. 2018. An ambitious clean growth strategy setting out how the UK is leading the world in cutting carbon emissions to combat climate change while driving economic growth This led to all fuel poor homes to achieve EPC band C by 2030- 70% of homes are affected.