Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 65 Renovation stage The owner claims the renovation works were completed approximately 8 years ago by a local builder and consisted of the following: • Non- permeable smooth cement/sand render was applied externally to original first floor cob walls (approximately 400- 450mm thick), with waterproof paint finishes seen in Figure 37. • Original stone walls on the ground floor were repointed externally in hard non- permeable cement/sand mortar seen in Figure 37. • Gypsum plaster board applied to internal walls with non- permeable paint finishes • New double glazed Upvc windows and doors (Figure 37), new pitched roof coverings and rainwater goods Unintended consequences Following collapse of the cob wall in December 2019 (Figures 37 and 38), a structural report was instructed by the insurance company’s loss adjuster on behalf of the building owner. Figure 38: Collapse of the cob wall (Source: Gwynne, 2019).