Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 58 Case study 3: Conversion of stables into holiday let in 2018. The building owner proposed to convert a range of derelict farmyard stables into holiday lets (Figure 30) . This report author was the supervising building control surveyor. Figure 30: Elevation of stable building being converted into holiday lets (Source: Gwynne, 2019). Design stage The design stage was similar in circumstance to Case Study 1, except the building was not listed and listed building consent was not required. Works phase and unintended consequences As Case Study 1, a Building Regulations application was submitted by the designer as a Building Notice (Appendix G) . Once the Building Notice had been accepted the builder started work on site. The builder was recommended by the designer and appointed by the building owner. The builder was only familiar with modern forms of construction and had very little experience of using lime or vapour permeable materials.