Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 45 as used in an existing building, may show it can perform the function for which it is intended’ (Figure 17). These statements are generic in nature and do not provide any practical advice. 4.5 Summary of the problems The guidance provided by the Welsh Government for traditional, historic and listed buildings is non-existent in Approved Documents A and Regulation 7. Guidance is very limited in Approved Documents C and LB1, it is brief and generic in nature and does not provide any practical advice for common situations. The Approved Documents tend to favour guidance for modern forms of construction which are being adopted by designers, builders and property owners and inappropriately applied to traditional historic and listed buildings, as demonstrated in the case studies below (paragraph 4.6). The Welsh Governments net zero carbon emissions target by 2050 states: ‘ There should be no distinction between performance standards between retrofit and new build’ (Green, E. et al. 2019). This will only make this situation worse unless proper guidance for traditional, historic and listed buildings is provided. 4.6 Case studies highlighting the potential problems of the Approved Documents The following recent five case studies have been dealt with by this report author in his professional capacity as a building control surveyor and is held up to demonstrate how the guidance for modern forms of construction in the Approved Documents is being inappropriately applied to traditional, historic and listed buildings by designers, builders and property owners.