Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 44 4.4Approved Document to support Regulation 7 The Approved Document to support Regulation 7 provides guidance on materials and workmanship to support other published Approved Documents and is presented in text over 22 pages. There are no diagrams, it provides no guidance for historic buildings and very little guidance for existing buildings, summerised in Figure 17 below . A copy of Regulation 7 to the Approved Documents can be downloaded free of charge at: ( approved-documents) . Approved Document to support Regulation 7. 2013 edition (For use in Wales) Building work shall be carried out: (a) with adequate and proper materials which: (i) are appropriate for the circumstances in which they are used, (ii) are adequately mixed or prepared, and (iii) are applied, used /fixed adequately to perform the functions for which they are designed; and (b) in a workmanlike manner Section 1: Materials 1.18 Past experience, such as use in an existing building, may show that the material can perform the function for which it is intended. Section 2: Workmanship 2.7 Past experience, such as use in an existing building, may show that workmanship is appropriate for the function for which it is intended. Figure 17: Summary of guidance for existing buildings in Approved Document supporting Regulation 7 (Source: documents ) . The above extract illustrates there is no guidance provided by the Welsh Government for traditional and historic buildings. The actual guidance for materials and workmanship in existing buildings is limited to a statement that ‘ past experience, such