Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 40 4.3Approved Document LB1 Conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings Approved Document B1 is for the conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings (Figure 9). It provides guidance in the form of 11 tables and text over 14 sections and 53 pages on how the thermal elements of the building including windows, roof windows, doors and services can achieve the energy efficiency requirements of the Building Regulations. There are no diagrams and it provides very little guidance for works to traditional and historic buildings summerised in Figure 13 below. A copy of Approved Document L can be downloaded free of charge at: ( . Approved Document L1B Conservation of Fuel and Power in Existing Dwellings. 2014 edition incorporating 2016 Amendments (For use in Wales). 12.1 Exempt historic and traditional buildings 12.1.1 Works to the following classes of building are exempt from the energy efficiency requirements where compliance would unacceptably alter the character or appearance of the buildings: a. listed in accordance with Section 1 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990; or b. in a conservation area designated in accordance with Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990; or c. included in the schedule of monuments maintained under Section 1 of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. 12.2 Historic and traditional buildings where special considerations apply 12.2.1 In addition, special considerations apply to works to the following three classes of non-exempt existing buildings: a. of architectural and historic interest and are referred to as a material consideration in a local authority’s development plan or local development framework; or b. of architectural and historic interest and are within national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty, registered historic parks and gardens, registered battlefields, the curtilages of scheduled ancient monuments, and world heritage sites; or c. of traditional construction with permeable fabric that both absorbs and readily allows the evaporation of moisture. 12.2.2 Work to such buildings is required to comply with the energy efficiency requirements as far as is reasonably practicable. In considering what is reasonably practicable, the work should not unacceptably alter or mar the character of the building or increase the risk of long-term deterioration.