Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 33 condensation/trapped moisture? Ty-Mawr ( are already specifying 50mm Cork on internal wall upgrades with Hemp Lime finishes as it does not trap water and achieves a U-value of less than 0.6 instead of 0.3 required for upgrades under the requirements of the Building Regulations. Answer : RF - • SL did not rule out the use of worse U-values and could be considered if it was technically achievable and didn’t damage the building fabric/people’s health. SL checked the Ty-Mawr U-value on SAP Version 6 as 0.59 ( . Question 8: AG- What happens with Homes of Today for Tomorrow report now? Answer RF - • We will consult Registered Social Landlords and report will be revised on a carbon mix and will consult with DAG (viii) The Welsh Government’s Minister for Housing and Local Government confirmed the Welsh Government are reviewing Approved Document L next year in line with the 2050 targets ( Appendix E1 , BSTM, 2019). To establish how the Welsh Government, propose to make changes, this report author (AG) has carried out a telephone interview with the Building Standards Technical Manager (BSTM) the Welsh Government’s Building Standards Technical Manager. A copy of the full transcript is provided in Appendix E2 . A summary of relevant questions raised, and CB response are as follows: Question 1: AG- How often do you review of the Approved Documents? Answer: BSTM - • Approved Document L for the conservation of fuel and power in new and existing buildings will be reviewed this year and next year and will include Approved Document C as part of the review. Approved Document B for fire safety and Regulation 7 for materials and workmanship will be reviewed after