Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 32 Question 4 . AG- How are the Welsh Government going to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050? Answer : RF - • This is included in the stage 2 document, and an important aspect is exploring the impact of cleaner energy supply (Paragraph 4.3). • This is demonstrated in Appendix A as the impact on carbon emissions and costed actions on 14 different dwelling types using scenario 1 and 2 to achieve 40-60% clean energy supply (scenario 3 was not considered possible and not included). Question 5: AG- How this will impact on the Building Regulations, with particular regard to upgrading the energy efficiency of existing traditional/historic/listed buildings built before 1919 with solid wall construction? Answer : RF - • The wall upgrades are indicated on the pre 1919 dwellings as external and internal insulation thicknesses – which are modern non- vapour permeable insulations to achieve the required U-values. • AG made the point that external and internal non- vapour permeable insulations will trap water and cause deterioration of the building fabric and possible mould growth which is detrimental to people’s health. • SL said this is something they will need to look at. Question 6: AG- Will the Welsh Government consider the use of vapour permeable materials and will the guidance in the Approved Documents be amended? Answer : RF - • Not able to answer that. Question 7: AG- Will the Welsh Government consider reducing the energy efficiency of solid wall construction to industries concerns regarding