Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 13 2.4 Possible obstacles and limitations There is a real risk the research for this study could be too broad a scope for this dissertation. To ensure it is achievable and balanced, it will be limited to research of the Welsh Building Regulations in connection with: (i) Approved Document A (Structure); (ii) Approved Document C2 (Resistance to moisture); (iii) Approved Document L1B (Conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings); (iv) Regulation 7: Materials and workmanship (2013 edition). A brief explanation of the Building Regulations and Approved Documents are provided in paragraph 3.3.1. By limiting the scope of this report, it is considered this study is achievable with the resources that are available in terms of time, access to data, money and people to do it justice. A Gantt chart has been produced to present a timetable to manage the project (Appendix B), identifying possible obstacles and design out any potential problems. This will be reviewed regularly, and progress reports provided to the Tutor and discussed in tutorials. Ethical approval has been granted and questionnaires have been sent out (Appendix C). 2.5 Principle resources Principle resources are considered already available for this project, including: • Access to technical information and standards (IHS technical index) and library • Access to building control records • Access to designers, building control surveyors, property owners etc • Access to building sites and works in progress and completed • Access to copying and printing facilities 2.6 Outline research programme As identified in item 2.4, a Gantt chart has been produced to present a timetable to manage the dissertation, identifying possible obstacles and design out any potential problems. This will be reviewed regularly, and progress reports provided to the Tutor and discussed in tutorials.