Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 126 Question 5. AG- How this will impact on the building regulations, with particular regard to upgrading the energy efficiency of existing traditional/historic/listed buildings built before 1919 with solid wall construction? Answer : RF - The wall upgrades are indicated on the pre 1919 dwellings as external and internal insulation thicknesses – which are modern non- vapour permeable insulations to achieve the required U-values. AG made the point that external and internal non- vapour permeable insulations will trap water and cause deterioration of the building fabric and possible mould growth which is detrimental to people’s health. SL said this is something they will need to look at. Question 6. AG- Will the Welsh Government consider the use of vapour permeable materials and will the guidance in the Approved Documents be amended? Answer RF - Not able to answer that. Question 7. AG- Will the Welsh Government consider reducing the energy efficiency of solid wall construction to industries concerns regarding condensation/trapped moisture? Ty-Mawr are already specifying 50mm Cork on internal wall upgrades with Hemp Lime finishes as it does not trap water and achieves a U-value of less than 0.6 instead of 0.3 required for upgrades under the requirements of the Building Regulations. Answer : RF - did not rule out the use of worse U-values and could be considered if it was technically achievable and didn’t damage the building fabric/people’s health. He checked the Ty-Mawr U-value as 0.59. Question 8. AG- What happens with Homes of Today for Tomorrow report now. Answer : RF - will consult Registered Social Landlords and report will be revised on a carbon mix and will consult with DAG. End of questions.