Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 122 13 What was the work specified 14 Was the works recorded including photographs? [ ] No [ ] Yes (if yes, please attach any records/photos etc) 15 Were any future maintenance requirements considered? [ ] No [ ] Yes (if yes please state what) 16 Did cost influence the use of materials used? [ ] No [ ] Yes (if yes please state why) 17 Did the time taken to complete the work influence the materials used? [ ] No [ ] Yes (if yes please state why) 18 Are there any problems evident after the work was carried out? (for example, damp) [ ] No [ ] Yes (if yes please state below what problems and any mitigation that was considered) 19 Do you consider the Approved Documents to the Building Regulations provide enough guidance for new work applied to traditional/historic/listed buildings? Approved documents are available to view at: Wales : buildingregs/approved-documents/? lang=en England: /approved-documents [ ] No (if no, please state why below) [ ] Yes (if yes, please state why below) 20 Please state opposite any other information considered relevant This is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you very much for your help. Continuation sheet Figure J3: Questionnaire distribution list and number distributed (removed in accordance with Ethics Approval)