Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 119 Building notices cannot be used in the following circumstances: • The building is a 'designated use' under the Fire Safety Regulatory Order (i.e. offices, shops, industrial buildings and residential buildings) and or is a workplace subject to the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 which will require consultation with the relevant Fire Authority • The building work is over or near a public sewer (see notes in application form) • Proposed new dwellings front onto a private street To use the Building Notice process, the owner or agent will need to submit a completed Building Notice application form together with a site location plan and the required fee. Work can commence 48 hours after the notice has been received. When work commences, the Councils surveyor will normally meet with the owner/builder to discuss the proposals and to agree how the work should be carried out, agree when the work will need to be inspected and to establish whether any further information will be required e.g. drawings, specifications or other information. When the project is satisfactorily completed a Building Regulations Completion Certificate will normally be Issued. Information required: One copy of this form should be complete and returned to Building Control together with the appropriate fee (see appropriate fee table for type of work carried out) and site plan (1:1250 or 1: 2500) indicating drainage layouts and site boundaries. Additional information may also be requested depending on the complexity of the works. i.e. structural calculations and details. Guidance are available on the relevant web site. Appendix H: Building Regulations- Notices of stages of works Site inspections are normally carried out by Building Control at key stages to ensure the works are being carried out in compliance with the Building Regulations. Please note it is your responsibility to ensure that Building Control is called at commencement of work, as well as the stages of work they have asked to inspect which are typically shown below in figure H1 . Inspections are made at the discretion of the Building Control Surveyor for your area and can be contacted as shown below. Additional inspections may be requested or carried out at the same time as others or omitted depending upon the type, scope and scale of the works. Figure H1: site inspection schedule Typical site inspections for stage of work and notice required Stage of Work Notice required 1. Commencement 2 working days before 2. Foundation excavation before pouring concrete 1 working day before 3. Ground floor oversite before covering or pouring concrete 1 working day before 4. Before covering drainage over 1 working day before 5. Before covering over structural elements, upper floors and roof 1 working day before 6. Other inspections required or requested by the Building Control Surveyor 1 working day before 7. Occupation or completion of the works 5 working days before Note: More than one inspection may be carried out for each key stage and where possible additional items for inspection are normally carried out at the same time as the key stages. i.e. dpc's etc.