Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 118 Appendix G: Obtaining Building Regulations approval (Source: regulations/approval). Obtaining Building Regulations approval There are two alternative routes available to the building owner to obtain Building Regulations approval as detailed below, option 1 is the local authority route and option 2 is an Approved Inspector route and is a private system of certification. Local Authority route The building owner or agent must make a Building Regulations application and pay a fee for the construction of new works. All work must comply with the 2010 Building Regulations. The person carrying out the building works is to liaise with and meet the requirements of the Local Authority Building Control and give the required notice for certain key stages of works as detailed in the guidance below There are two methods of making a Building Regulations application as follows: (i) Full Plans application This is often thought of as the traditional way of applying for Building Regulations Approval. The building designer will draw up detailed plans, specification and supporting information for the proposed scheme and will send them to the local authority together with a completed application form and the necessary fee. Building Control will then check the details and following any necessary consultations and liaisons with the building designer, a building regulations approval or conditional approval will be issued. The approvals can also be dealt with in stages when design information becomes available, this can be on a rolling program agreed between the parties as the information becomes available. Applications can be rejected in certain instances. Work can start any time after the application together with the correct fee has been accepted as a valid application, although it is wise to wait until the scheme has had its initial check under the Building Regulations, this usually takes between two and three weeks (works carried out before formal approval is given is carried out at the building owners risk). The building control surveyor will normally liaise with the builder/owner and inspect the work as it progresses on site. When the project is satisfactorily completed a Building Regulations Completion Certificate will normally be Issued. Information required: • One copy of this form should be complete and returned to Building Control together with the appropriate fee (see appropriate fee table for type of work carried out) and one copy of the detailed plans and full constructional specification (guidance documents are available) and site plan (1:1250 or 1: 2500) • Additional set of plan layouts is required for non-dwellings for consultation with the Fire Authority- indicating the escape routes in red. (ii) Building Notice application This system is best suited to minor domestic work carried out by a competent builder. Under this scheme no formal approval of plans is issued, and work is approved on site as it progresses.