Gwynne Anthony 2020

ART506 Dissertation 2019. Anthony Gwynne . 114 Appendix E2: Transcript of Telephone conversation with Building Standards Technical Manager, Welsh Government Telephone conversation Friday 7 th June at 10am Interview carried out by Tony Gwynne (TG) Interviewee: Building Standards Technical Manager, Welsh Government (BSTM) Questions 1. TG- What is the process of reviewing AD’s? I am researching ADC 2004 with 2010 amendments, ADL1B 2014 with 2016 amendments & REG 7 2013 BSTM- • Currently the Welsh Government are reviewing Part L of the Building Regulations as part of the 2020 review. It will be revised by the Building Regulations Technical Working Group and are due to meet in July 2019. • The conclusions of this review are passed onto the Welsh Governments Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC). 2. TG- How often do you review AD’s? BSTM - TEXT REMOVED