Aimée L Felton 2012

84 EIGHT The MOD is the only organisation to store data bespoke to each building, completely independent from other buildings, whilst UEA has a database similar to their Conservation Development Strategy with a variation of data obsolescence and requiring different updating time frames complicating the system. Network Rail utilises a combination of three different internet based databases, storing information regarding all building assets, with no separate focus of historic buildings unless proceeding through a planning application. All three approaches have elements of success, with a general tendency of all to store too much irrelevant data for day-to-day beneficial use and to build up a complete understanding of the morphology of the building. Network Rails’ Geographic Information System (GIS) system is particularly suitable for the scale of the estate and many asset managers within the company, facilitating easy transfer of information across the country.Whilst this element of information management may be applicable for the MOD, it would be of no improvement to the UEA strategy with a comparably small estate. However, the extent of the separation of information at Network Rail, such as the separate systems for planning applications, listed buildings and maintenance work, is detrimental to the mapping of the history of the building, which might lead to negative impact upon the historic fabric and loss of cultural significance, whilst the reverse situation at the MOD may also lead to confusing records and inaccurate interpretation of work to be undertaken, if under new management. The quinquennial model from the case studies still seems to be the most widely utilised approach towards the prescribed frequency of inspections and work undertaken on the relevant historic buildings. Originating from the Inspection of Churches Measures in 1955 (Dann, N and Wood, S. 2004:p143) this is still the only regulatory and statutory recognition of the need to inspect buildings. All case studies combined this model (with the MOD utilising a similar Chapter Eight - Maintenance in practice Aimee Felton