Aimée L Felton 2012

82 EIGHT is the driver of maintenance programmes (in this instance for both UEA and MOD). Other factors such as suitability or relevance for use and to a certain degree finance are regarded with less importance. In contrast to this hypothesis, UEA as an organisation, are subject to restricted financial controls from HEFCE and the MOD actively requires the historic buildings within their ownership to change and adapt for military purposes wherever possible. Thus it can be concluded that it is possible for cultural significance to coexist with other priorities and is not the primary inhibitor of non-heritage focused organisations implementing maintenance procedures on properties, as is often suggested within maintenance conservation literature. From the documents provided by the participating organisations it is difficult to identify the distillation process of primary value that the organisations experience fromowning historic buildings,fromthe individual interpretation of cultural significance and the accepted definition within conservation literature. It is to be expected that an organisation not gaining primary income from the historic building requires further worth from the property, as identified by Network Rail and the MOD utilising historic buildings for additional income through filming rights. Otherwise, intensive work, expensive documents and time consuming strategies towards maintaining historic buildings, can only be seen as low priorities within multi-disciplinary organisations. However, it is the variable components relative importance within the organisations’strategic framework that needs to be identified in order to determine the particular value of owning historic buildings to the organisation. This could require further exploration into the variations of cultural significance and the related impact upon attitudes to historic buildings and the ensuing maintenance strategies. Network Rail’s position on maintenance management and maintaining low Chapter Eight - Maintenance in practice Aimee Felton