Aimée L Felton 2012

77 EIGHT Figure Eight•Two•Two MOD Finance or a ordability KPIs Relevant for use Legislation Cultural signi cance 0 100 200 100 50 75 25 Number of pages Word count Relative % size Maintenance strategy The varied and detailed documents produced by the MOD represent a dichotomy within the organisation, highlighting the difficulty of balancing relevant use of a historic building and the need to provide an effective and manageable maintenance strategy. Legislation, although not legally binding for the MOD, is an important component of the Strategic Statement and Plan of Action, whereby best practice procedures aim to be followed aiming to allow adaptation and change to allow for the historic buildings to continue serving a relevant purpose for continued military life. Finance is low on the agenda towards justifying maintenance, with the organisation receiving funding from many different sources. Chapter Eight - Maintenance in practice Aimee Felton