Aimée L Felton 2012

76 EIGHT Finance or a ordability Relevant for use Legislation Cultural signi cance 0 100 200 150 75 110 35 Number of pages Word count Relative % size KPIs Maintenance strategy Figure Eight•Two•One UEA For the University of East Anglia, the main focus and agenda of their stewardship over the historic buildings is split between effective maintenance strategy and enhancing cultural significance, through sensitive but modern methodologies. Due to the prominence of the cultural significance and the organisations attitude towards it,legislation and key performance indicators are acknowledged although somewhat subservient within the literature. Finance is considered a key issue although due to funding allocations is to some extent out of direct control of the organisation. However, this has not inhibited the organisation from preparing and constructing a systematic methodology of work to follow once funds are secured. Chapter Eight - Maintenance in practice Aimee Felton