Aimée L Felton 2012

73 generated. Asset management are responsible for all reports, surveys, Health and Safety documents as well as following Operations and Management documents and store them all in a single file format utilising a Component Content Management System (CCMS). GIS ( Geographical Information Systems ) are used to locate properties throughout the country and utilises the internet to make all information on the CCMS accessible throughout the UK. Asset management within Network Rail has no connection or involvement with the financing of the maintenance work on any buildings. The Corporate Plan is issued to Network Rail by the Government, to the whole organisation and broken down to the various asset groups. Individual financial budgets are issued on the basis of the previous year and kept in line with a 5 year control period to monitor expenditure. Not producing documents specific to the historic buildings within the property portfolio, detailing and preparing guidelines for the specialist requirements involved, is seen as a cost effective measure by Network Rail. Whilst this choice has caused some problems to the Asset Management and Town Planners within Network Rail (Grimes, I. 2011), when disagreements occur between the organisation and Local Authorities, incurred costs through fines or extra planning submissions, are thought to be considerably less than producing new contracts, plans and specifications to suit all the various listed buildings. Financial implications of maintenance programme SEVEN Chapter Seven - Case Study - NR Aimee Felton