Aimée L Felton 2012

70 Case StudyThree Network Rail Chapter Seven - Case Study - NR SEVEN Woking Station Built Date: 1837 Grade II Exemplar Building Description Organisation synopsis Network Rail is a private company limited by guarantee, acting as owner and operator of Britain’s railway infrastructure. Primarily responsible for running, maintaining and developing Britain’s tracks, signalling system, rail bridges, tunnels, level crossings, viaducts and 18 key stations across the country. Woking train station began construction in 1834 and opened in 1838 as one of the first train stations in the south of England ( . The station is now a major gateway with connections to London, the south- west and the south coast. The signal box is listed as Grade II due to national importance and historic and architectural importance. The organisation is fully committed to supporting heritage on the rail network, maintaining and enhancing buildings of special historic interest within the diverse property portfolio, working closely with local authorities and other heritage organisations to design schemes to be sympathetic to the immediate local environment. ‘We respect their value and tradition, but we Corporate policy Figure Seven•Three•One Aimee Felton Image deleted to prevent copyright infringement