Aimée L Felton 2012

68 requirements for the next financial year. The departments Strategic Statement is periodically reviewed and a biennial report is published on the management of its heritage assets in accordance with the EH Protocol and SHEP. Defence Estates utilises KPIs to demonstrate progress of conservation objectives and monitor the condition of the MOD listed buildings and scheduled monuments with performance reported annually in the MOD Stewardship Report. Whilst the evolution of the MOD Historic Building Database has become the foundation for all Defence Estate’s heritage activities. The information stored- developed from rigorous discussion with English Heritage- is bespoke to each of the diverse building typologies whilst maintaining relevance to military use and updated to take account of results from the Thematic Study recommendations. The Defence Estates team ensures robust data and information is collected and maintained on all the heritage assets, this information then goes on to inform estate management, development and reporting requirements through the biennial MOD Heritage Report. Amport House forms part of the MOD’s ‘film locations’ programme. Whilst the core business remains in defence, income towards maintaining the historic buildings is sourced through hiring and renting properties for various activities. In order to gain further ‘value for money’ from properties, the MOD are continually recycling and adapting buildings to suit present operational demands, in order to ensure continuing beneficial use.Whilst the professional Information Management Financial implications of maintenance programme SEVEN Chapter Seven - Case Study - MOD Aimee Felton