Aimée L Felton 2012

66 SEVEN coat of arms.There is also an avenue of pleached limes, reputedly the longest in the UK. The interior is highly ornate with elaborate plasterwork ceilings and many Elizabethan features ( . 2011). The house now forms part of the MOD’s Armed Forces Chaplaincy Centre (AFCC). Conservation management guidelines, detailing policies for managing changes within the 14 historic asset areas owned by theMODare drafted by an in-house team called the Government Historic Estates Unit (GHEU) (EH.2006:p27). These conservation policies are then adopted by Defence Estates (DE) an integrated agency advising on construction, estate management and estate policy (Whitehead, T. 1999), forming the basis for a formal management agreement called the Historic Buildings Conservation Manual (MOD. 2006:6. p2). A series of site meetings attended by all stakeholders and representatives of GHEU and DE help to successfully resolve contentious issues where development or financial issues are in conflict with conservation objectives (EH. 2006:p27). The Plan of Action commitment requires the MOD to either; utilise buildings in their stewardship in a proper manner according to the relevant importance of the fabric, or to transfer ownership to another organisation or department. The corporate policy is aligned with sustainability issues, with awareness that many of the structures are constructed using impermanent fabric, which becomes highly vulnerable and increasingly expensive tomaintain (Whitehead, T. 1999). Corporate policy Chapter Seven - Case Study - MOD Aimee Felton