Aimée L Felton 2012

57 implementation. Information gathered from the archival records has been treated objectively in order to only emphasise or corroborate information in the organisations’ most recent documents. Questionnaires have been utilised as a research instrument to survey the setting of maintenance management within the context of the particular non-heritage focused organisation. The questions have been designed to be mostly analytical, with the potential for a limited collection of descriptive information, measuring to a certain extent the participant’s attitude towards the implementation of maintenance within the organisation.The rigid method of data collection was chosen in order to prepare more relevant and detailed questions to follow up in later interviews within the research framework. The questionnaires were administered through email directly to the relevant contact at the organisation,minimising the effort required from the participant in order to ensure a high response rate.It is hoped that the collected quantitative data will help to reinforce the qualitative primary data, in order to provide an in-depth understanding of the issues in relation to the context, prevailing over the potential relevance and reliability of some information collected. The questionnaire (sample available in Appendix One), as a component part of the research will require certain ethical considerations. Whilst none of the questions posed cause deceit or harm to the participants, confidentiality and privacy may be more of a concern to the participating organisations. Financial details regarding the maintenance strategies in comparison to total income and expenditure may be the most problematic information to gather. Organisations may not wish to disclose such private information; therefore SIX Chapter Six - Methodology Aimee Felton