Aimée L Felton 2012

56 section of organisations, the range should- at least in part because perfect representation cannot be guaranteed- shed light on the relative concepts and issues across a larger class of cases- a primary research aim. Review of available literature on maintenance issues, the profession and its share of the construction industry helped to develop a criterion of key questions and set some of the parameters for assumptions.This was assessed as a successful methodology to schedule handling large amounts of information within the time management of the research and maintaining high quality levels of gathered information. Some assumptions made pertain to statutory and legal obligations applicable to all case studies such as Health and Safety regulations, as well as to an initial research aim of exploring current perceptions of the legal obligations of owners to provide sufficient custodianship over the historic fabric. Within the research an audit trail examined the context of maintenance within conservation and statutory policy, management structure, implementation of key documents and practice of maintenance. Documentary evidence provided by the case study participants has been utilised in order to corroborate information provided through qualitative collection, creating the foundation and background information for interview questions. Archival documents available through the Freedom of Information Act (ICO. 2000) and superseded documents helped to identify recent organisational changes, analysis will aim to discover whether through perception or SIX Six•Two Quantitative Data Collection Chapter Six - Methodology Aimee Felton