Aimée L Felton 2012

55 Chapter Six - Methodology Chapter Six Methodology Six•One Case Studies SIX Case studies as a research methodology were used to test the phenomenon of maintenance management to historic buildings within a context - non- heritage focused organisations. The choice of the case studies was based on early general research data from existing academic literature and secondary data conducted by Dann et al in 2005, in order to set a framework for good case study analysis.This analytical approach helped to remove as many variables as possible from the case studies in order to create an equal platform for analysis. The research adopts a triangulation method of data collection and evidence methodologies to reach robust consensus within the findings. A wide range of organisational types has been chosen for the case studies, including a governmental (Ministry of Defence), public (University of East Anglia) and commercial organisation (Network Rail).Different organisational types have been selected to help address the aims of the research and test the hypothesis across a wider spectrum. Variation between the case studies is otherwise minimised, with building typologies and reasons for addition to the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, limited to architectural merit. This restriction of case study typologies was aided by all organisations chosen owning large mixed property portfolios comprising of more than one typology of historic listed building. The sample size- (three), of case studies has been limited to demonstrate distinct characteristics, similarities and differences between the case studies without requiring extensive additional resources and time allocations. Whilst this cross section does not provide an intensive study across a large cross Aimee Felton