Aimée L Felton 2012

43 to be expected that new KPIs may need to be established in order to readjust and fit conservation priorities into the organisations overall management and property management benchmarks. Fundamentally, all information generated from conservation plan through to maintenance management plan should ensure coherency between business strategy, maintenance strategy, financial management and maintenance implementation (Worthing, D and Bond, S. 2008:p179). Conservation literature reveres the role of maintenance as the foremost activity for the protection of listed buildings and professes to encourage and guide the practice to all owners of historic fabric. Yet, as the research reveals, the truth and philosophy behind maintenance management is shrouded in confusion, multiple documents and management systems. The literature suggests that non-heritage focused organisations fail to achieve best practice principles in regard to retaining the culturally significant historic fabric, yet the proposed solution by conservation professionals fails to provide any scope for organisational goals, relevant use of the buildings and financial restraint. The following diagram explains the interconnected nature between the various documents thought within conservation literature to be necessary for an organisation, regardless of income generator to achieve an economic and effective maintenance management strategy. Data transfers and procession of information are identified as well as key benefits from utilising the documents. Four•Five FOUR The sequence of maintenance Chapter Four - Maintenance Management Aim e Felton