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Protecting London's Pubs!

Historic public houses have always had a special place in the heart of IHBC London members.  Many of our visits and events include an opportunity to undertake lengthy inspections of their interiors!

7 May 2004 saw the launch of the Campaign for Real Ale's :
'Regional Inventory for London: Pub Interiors of Special Interest ' at the Victoria Pub in Bayswater.

Guest speakers included Michael Jackson TV presenter of the Beer Hunter show, Martin Cherry, the director of survey at English Heritage and Ian Dungavell of the Victorian Society.

Over a few glasses of real ale, they outlined the importance of pubs as part of London's built and cultural heritage as well as the very real threat posed to historic pubs from modernisation and changes of use and ownership.

The new guide produced by CAMRA stresses the need to preserve the gems that survive, and lists 133 pubs with historic interiors of interest,  giving informative descriptions for each one.

Copies of the Inventory can be obtained from

230 Hatfield Road
St Albans

Tel. 01727 86720.

Camra may be consulted on any application received which affects pubs with interiors of special historic Interest.

Our thanks to Jane Hamilton for the submission of this article.

BS 7913: 1998

Has anybody had experience (success or failure) using BS 7913:1998 'The Principles of the conservation of historic buildings'  at Planning Appeal of Inquiry? 

Public and Private sector views are sought on this topic for a possible article in the next newsletter.


Showing more than a passing interest in a particular building can develop into major research on the architect.   I am hooked on Hellicar!

He was born in Bromley in 1862, studied in Kent, articled to Sir Thomas Jackson in 1883, and went into partnership with Sydney Vacher in 1890.  He had a London practice from 1892- 1928.  A number of Bromley buildings, a number of important jobs in West Country.  Supposedly designed a number of parish halls, schools and public libraries.  In latter years he was  architect to the Diocese of Rochester.

If you come across anything by him or about him please let me know.
              Doug Black

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